Networking & Community Projects*

To Be A Master, A Pokemon Community Project (Name Pending)
GigasDragon at 9:20AM, Sept. 4, 2007
posts: 16
joined: 8-5-2006
Oh jeez I said the Pokemon word. Put down the torches and pitchforks please, this might actually be an interesting project idea.

Right now its a pretty vague concept and I'll admit and I'm just kinda, throwing this out there (not to mention I have no idea if this was attempted before), but how does a Pokemon community project sound? I already have a basic concept for a plot figured out which is going to be used in some way or another anyway, so I figure, why not share it with the community?

… well okay I'll actually be keeping a good portion locked away as I develop the plot like any normal comic, but you know what I mean. :P

Oh, and if this flies, just remember that sprites aren't so good. I don't want to discriminate against spriters and sprite comics, and it hurts to do so considering thats where my roots lie, but part of why I'm doing this is because Pokemon sprite comics are all over the place, it'd be a refreshing change of pace to actually have artists come together and draw up some interesting comics for one of my favorite series, and I'm sure many other Pokemon fans would like to see the same thing.

Just so I can have a plot to hook you all with, the setting is based off the events of the game series, meaning the canon is everything that happened in the game. The events of this project take place a few months after the events of Daimond and Pearl, and World Champion Red, along with Kanto Champion Crystal, are launching one of the biggest Pokemon tournaments the world has ever seen, trainers everywhere are gathering together for this momentous occasion. However, something is strange. During this tournament, many trainer's Pokémon are suddenly dissapearing overnight, and officials can't seem to find the slightest clue to why this is happening. Many trainers are investigating this problem personally, while other just enjoy the tournament. The tournament is held on a massive structure built specifically for the event, filled with a large number of stadiums where trainers and spectators alike may enjoy their battles.

So what's the communities role, you ask? Not only will you get to participate in the way the plot shapes up, you get to make the whole thing interesting! Sure, I could focus on the single party of heroes that saves the day… but when a massive tournament is going on, that's hardly the only interesting thing! Spice up the setting with your own Pokemon trainers and battles, challenging other Drunkduck trainers to epic showdowns and discovering the mystery of the missing Pokémon.

It's kinda sketchy right now, but if people show interest and start hopping on, I'll make an effort to flesh it out far more than this. So what say you all?

-Gigas Dragon as Pvt. Gale
-Warspritecomic as Garth
-AQua_ng as Johnny Phillips
-Hero, as Kuumba Akil-Bonsai
-Kohdok, as Ryoko
-Cheeko as Gloria
-Kxela as (Pending)
-NPC_Girl as Lance
-jiminycricketX as (Pending)
-hpkomic as Ace
-Glarg as Evan
-marine as (Pending)
-Hijuda as Thomas
-Eddie Jensen as Ketch Ashum
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:35PM
Warspritecomic at 12:33PM, Sept. 4, 2007
posts: 343
joined: 3-10-2006
Hmm, good idea. If you don't mind someone with medeocre/bad artistic skills joining I would love to help with this.

Also a mute that reminds me of Johnny Bravo and Samuel L Jackson at the same time!
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:48PM
AQua_ng at 12:47AM, Sept. 5, 2007
posts: 7,827
joined: 4-6-2006
Oh, I am so in with this.

K.A.L.A-dan! Brigade Captain :D
K.A.L.A.-dan forums!
last edited on July 14, 2011 10:57AM
Warspritecomic at 4:33AM, Sept. 5, 2007
posts: 343
joined: 3-10-2006
Oh but by the way I've only played up to Gold/Silver/crystal with a tiny bit of ruby, so my Pokémon knowlege is a bit behind.

Also a mute that reminds me of Johnny Bravo and Samuel L Jackson at the same time!
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:48PM
Hero at 6:05AM, Sept. 5, 2007
posts: 456
joined: 1-3-2006
I once managed to “catch em' all” in the far gone days of my youth and bare no embitterment towards them in my current years. Perhaps I shall endeavor to join if I can bang something out.
K.A.L.A-Dan: Rival!
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:47PM
Kohdok at 11:57AM, Sept. 5, 2007
posts: 772
joined: 5-18-2007
Alrighty, I guess Ryoko could use some dusting off:

Drawn form: (Man, this is an old drawing, I'll do a remake later today)

And here is her sprite:

As you can see, she wears her hair like a Cradily with the cap on top and she keeps a Lileep in her team. She's a member of a prestigious pokemon breeding family that specializes in raising reincarnated pokemon. The family has a particular kind of interaction with the pokemon it raises through playful conflict, giving the pokemon a more active lifestyle.

Ryoko has wrestled Armaldos and won. She is a very physically strong individual due to the way she was taught to rear pokemon. She's not the brightest individual, though. Her first pokemon was a Lileep. She actually used to wear a Lileep hat when she was younger.

Her team would start with:

last edited on July 14, 2011 1:20PM
Cheeko at 2:47PM, Sept. 5, 2007
posts: 58
joined: 1-2-2006
Oooo, I'd like to get in on this!
When is the deadline?

-Romans 8:28-
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:40AM
GigasDragon at 4:29PM, Sept. 5, 2007
posts: 16
joined: 8-5-2006
Oooo, I'd like to get in on this!
When is the deadline?

Well, I'm still in the ‘gathering interest’ phase of the this, so no deadline quite yet, if there's even going to be one. Chances are I'm probably gonna go on a first come first serve typa thing if it gets truly outrageously popular, though hopefull we can avoid that because I don't want to start rejecting people based on when they got here :_>
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:35PM
Kxela at 6:55PM, Sept. 5, 2007
posts: 222
joined: 1-7-2006
interested interested interested!! XD
I've been wanting to do a pokemon thing for forever :D
And I've played every damn pokemon game that came into existance
(the gamecube ones dont count…just the hand-held “real” pokemon RPG games")

…Gawd its been… like 7 years or so since I last drew pokemon…
love to see how much better I am ^^
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:24PM
Kohdok at 9:40PM, Sept. 5, 2007
posts: 772
joined: 5-18-2007
And here's a fresher picture of Ryoko. The difference is pretty obvious, isn't it?

last edited on July 14, 2011 1:20PM
Cheeko at 9:37AM, Sept. 6, 2007
posts: 58
joined: 1-2-2006
Here's my trainer!

Trainer Gloria
Character information can be found under the picture at the link. :)

-Romans 8:28-
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:40AM
NPC_Girl at 10:33AM, Sept. 6, 2007
posts: 137
joined: 1-3-2006
I have yet to play either pearl or diamond… (majorly cause i don't have a ds…) but i have played every other Pokemon game in existence minus the gamecube one. So yea i love pokemon. and i would love to hop aboard this wonderouse band wagon of fun! it might even motivate me to fish out my recharger and get around to finishing fire red :3
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:19PM
jiminycricketX at 12:21PM, Sept. 6, 2007
posts: 65
joined: 8-7-2006
Dude, sold.

I've seen this done many times before actually, (It's a craze on but it's always done with sprites. Seeing a hand drawn version would be quite awesome. As long as me and my trash talking, cigarette smoking Pikachu, Jack, are welcome, I'm all over this.

Oh, will this involve making individual side comics, like with the Drunk Duck Civil War? Or will it be more like one big comic contributed by multiple artists? Like an Impro-manga?

last edited on July 14, 2011 1:08PM
GigasDragon at 4:39PM, Sept. 6, 2007
posts: 16
joined: 8-5-2006
Arright! I think I've gathered more than enough interest to start setting things in stone about this project, especially since a couple of you have already gone and started to put effort in by developing/redeveloping yourselves a trainer!

Oh, will this involve making individual side comics, like with the Drunk Duck Civil War? Or will it be more like one big comic contributed by multiple artists? Like an Impro-manga?

Since there's already a plot set in stone(ish, I still have to refine it lots), the Impromaga idea is not be a suitable format for this project. Plus, I think that individual side comics would be great for demonstrating just how huge a scale this tournament is supposed to be, and show that its events aren't just affecting some random trio of trainers but rather, a large group of people. HOWEVER, I may enlist the aid of a few artists to help me draw the main comic, similar to how Riot and Zack shared doing the art for Civil War.

In any case, I'm going to start doing some concept sketches and what not as we're still raising interest, if you haven't started making a trainer yet, do iiit :O

Oh, and as for Trainer Creation, my only real rules is no Team Rocket (any other team is fine, though you might get crazy looks since they've all been disbanded >_>) and no Legendary Pokemon, which our first two entries seem to be A-OK on both those counts.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:35PM
SpANG at 7:17AM, Sept. 7, 2007
posts: 3,103
joined: 1-1-2006
This has been mentioned in DRUNK DUCK News on Gigcast #106! Check it out!
“To a rational mind, nothing is inexplicable. Only unexplained.”
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:52PM
AQua_ng at 8:57AM, Sept. 7, 2007
posts: 7,827
joined: 4-6-2006
Actually, Team Galaxy are technically still active, although their members have significantly dropped due to the loss of their former leader.

My knowledge of Pokemon scares even me.

K.A.L.A-dan! Brigade Captain :D
K.A.L.A.-dan forums!
last edited on July 14, 2011 10:57AM
Hero at 9:00AM, Sept. 7, 2007
posts: 456
joined: 1-3-2006
I'm probably going to do something relating to and about a professor or professor's assistant. The whole wandering around the world fighting monsters thing don't seem to glamorous when you could be kicking back, making base assumptions about behavior and psychology and getting little kids to send monsters to you.

Oh, and may I perhaps suggest the name Drunk Psyduck? Personally I find it hilarious. It may not be ideal, but I had to get that out before I lost the opportunity.
K.A.L.A-Dan: Rival!
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:47PM
AQua_ng at 9:16AM, Sept. 7, 2007
posts: 7,827
joined: 4-6-2006
Drunk Psyduck

Yes, I love it.

K.A.L.A-dan! Brigade Captain :D
K.A.L.A.-dan forums!
last edited on July 14, 2011 10:57AM
Warspritecomic at 10:01AM, Sept. 7, 2007
posts: 343
joined: 3-10-2006
Drunk Psyduck? Heh. Very good.

On another note I've basically got my character sorted out. Just need to finish the drawing. since I don't have a certain style I'm probably going for the origional pokemon style. No I don't mean the TV show, I meant the Watercoloured art. I've even got the first ever Pokemon manga, before the character Ash was created (it was red and blue, obviously) so I hope I'm able to do that style. Should be up tommorrow.

Also a mute that reminds me of Johnny Bravo and Samuel L Jackson at the same time!
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:48PM
AQua_ng at 10:59AM, Sept. 7, 2007
posts: 7,827
joined: 4-6-2006


K.A.L.A-dan! Brigade Captain :D
K.A.L.A.-dan forums!
last edited on July 14, 2011 10:57AM
NPC_Girl at 11:07AM, Sept. 7, 2007
posts: 137
joined: 1-3-2006
Okay here is my character for the thing. let me just say right now this is a GUY!!!! I hate drawing girls >.> that and when trying to look up picture motivates all i could find was female trainers and found that very annoying. So his name is Lance, no idea what kind of pokemon team he'll have till i recharge my GBA sp and replay one of my pokemons to get in “the zone” anyways… here's a pic:

last edited on July 14, 2011 2:19PM
hpkomic at 11:40AM, Sept. 7, 2007
posts: 1,031
joined: 1-1-2006
So we just design our own trainers then? Teams included? I am so doing this.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:50PM
Glarg at 1:24PM, Sept. 7, 2007
posts: 2,646
joined: 11-11-2006
Pokemon!? I am in, don't need to tell me twice!
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:37PM
GigasDragon at 1:55PM, Sept. 7, 2007
posts: 16
joined: 8-5-2006
This has been mentioned in DRUNK DUCK News on Gigcast #106! Check it out!

Neat! But… if Warspritecomic has been promoting this all over the place without me knowing, that is great (and if so, thanks!) but I'm heading the project, not him >3>; At least… I'm pretty sure I am…

So we just design our own trainers then? Teams included? I am so doing this.


Drunk Psyduck

Yes, I love it.

X3 That is excellent. I'm actually considering it, though people might think that it's 100% humor if I did D: I mean I have to have SOME plot elements people can take seriously :P Though there will be plenty of humor nonetheless.

Anyway, sketches should be released as early as tonight (Not likely though, it's probably going to be tomorrow), and I do like the designs for these trainers so keep it up =D
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:35PM
Kxela at 4:56PM, Sept. 7, 2007
posts: 222
joined: 1-7-2006
does the plot involve the ledgendary pokemon(s)?
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:24PM
SpANG at 8:36PM, Sept. 7, 2007
posts: 3,103
joined: 1-1-2006
This has been mentioned in DRUNK DUCK News on Gigcast #106! Check it out!

Neat! But… if Warspritecomic has been promoting this all over the place without me knowing, that is great (and if so, thanks!) but I'm heading the project, not him >3>; At least… I'm pretty sure I am…

I'm an idiot. :(
“To a rational mind, nothing is inexplicable. Only unexplained.”
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:52PM
GigasDragon at 11:38PM, Sept. 7, 2007
posts: 16
joined: 8-5-2006
This has been mentioned in DRUNK DUCK News on Gigcast #106! Check it out!

Neat! But… if Warspritecomic has been promoting this all over the place without me knowing, that is great (and if so, thanks!) but I'm heading the project, not him >3>; At least… I'm pretty sure I am…

I'm an idiot. :(

It's alright ^.^;; No big deal :3

does the plot involve the ledgendary pokemon(s)?

Nothing planned for that, though something to that extent might happen.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:35PM
hpkomic at 12:18AM, Sept. 8, 2007
posts: 1,031
joined: 1-1-2006
Can you take legendaries out of the tournament itself?

Nothing ruins pokemon like everyone having a legendary.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:50PM
hpkomic at 12:47AM, Sept. 8, 2007
posts: 1,031
joined: 1-1-2006
Trainer time!

Name: Ace

Age: 29

Occupation: Pokemon Ranger

“Daft'd” Farfetch'd (Level 91)
“Kindo” Nidoking (Level 76)
“Picasso” Smeargle (Level 36)
“Decidu” Torterra (Level 55)
“Torrent” Blastoise (Level 82)
“Chartle” Torkoal {Level 45)

Rankings: All Kanto/Jhoto/Hoenn badges, 5 badges into Sinnoh

Background: Ace was born in the harsh Orre region, but just before his tenth birthday, his parents sent him off to live with his Aunt in Kanto so he could become a successful Pokemon Trainer. His first pokemon was a wild Farfetch'd who he caught rooting through his Aunt's garden for a Leek, upon giving chase the Farfetch'd fell into a well where Ace promptly rescued him. Shortly after the two became best friends. Eventually after getting the Kanto and Jhoto badges (but never quite beating the Elite Four) Ace decided to devote himself to becoming a Pokemon Ranger. During his travels around the regions, he often stops at the gyms to test his battle strength.

Personality: Ace is very stubborn and rushes into situations where he could get hurt in his attempts to rescue pokemon. He has a bit of a weak-spot for food and is constantly eating. Ace has a bit of a stubborn streak and doesn't like to be ordered around. He frets constantly about Daft'd, much to Daft'd's chagrin. Some say that Ace babies his Farfetch'd.

Daft'd's Personality: Daft'd is unique in that he normally doesn't stay in a pokeball unless there is an emergency or he's tired. He also is unique in that he wears a scarf that Ace made out of the old shirt he used to wrap Daft'd in when they first met, it's a very important object to both of them. Daft'd is a bit arrogant and tough-headed and often gets into ‘fights’ with Ace. These fights are generally no more than simple roughousing or minor disagreements.

Hopefully that's enough details.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:50PM
Warspritecomic at 3:05AM, Sept. 8, 2007
posts: 343
joined: 3-10-2006
This has been mentioned in DRUNK DUCK News on Gigcast #106! Check it out!

Neat! But… if Warspritecomic has been promoting this all over the place without me knowing, that is great (and if so, thanks!) but I'm heading the project, not him >3>; At least… I'm pretty sure I am…

Heh. I'm glad that it was me you said was promoting the project. Alas I'm not, since I have only just made my trainer.

I'm in half a rush so I'll upload a sprite version of Garth for colour coding.

Direct link to the image

edit: here's the sprite of him:
If you can't tell what colour is what, the trousers are a jeans colour, he's got blond hair, his hat's a golden yellow colour, his fingerless gloves and jacket is brown and his T-Shirt is A light-ish grey. Hope you understand that.

Name: Garth

Age: 17

Occupation: Traveller

“Speedy” Rattata (Level 74)
“Cyclops” Steelix (Level 54)
“Carbuncle” Persian (Level 42)
“Fitzimmons” Machamp (Level 53)
“Volcanus” Typhlosian (Level 57)
“Mimic” Ditto {Level 39)

Rankings: All of the Kanto badges

Background: He comes from the old Lavender town, near the Pokemon tower in Kanto. He comes from a deeply religious family but he left home when he was 13 to travel. He never used to want to be a pokemon trainer, but when he was attacked by a wild Rattata, a strange man came and caught it for him. After that he started to train his rattata and went and finished all of the Kanto badges. He usually stays at Pewter City to train his Rattata with the rock-type pokemon.

Personality: He is extremely stubborn because of his strict upbringing. He Only does things his way or else he just leaves. Even though he is very stubborn, he rarely gets angry and usually favours tactics over brute strength. He enjoys his Rattata's company so much he has stopped him from evolving for years.

Also a mute that reminds me of Johnny Bravo and Samuel L Jackson at the same time!
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:48PM

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