I'm taking this discussion from the TD to GD, since it's happening here too. For the people who haven't figured it out, Midge was posting *response, just because* in a bunch of threads a while ago, which sparked a conversation about people who post in the forums just to post in the forums, rather than adding something to the content. I'll be the first to admit that I was one of them, but as soon as it got pointed out, I stopped doing it, since I too find it massively annoying having to check every thread while they're maybe two threads that actually have a new addition.
The forums aren't some chatroom. Sure, sometimes a thread gets a bit derailed, it's what I do best, but I try to get back on subject eventually. There's a bunch of people that'll just post a single sentence response to the erson above them, expecting an answer, and when they get that answer, they reply to that. It's not the way to go. If you want to know something, PQ or IM the person, but don't treat the thread as an instant messenger.
It's annying to come into the forums and seeing that there's a bunch of new posts, and you go to check the threads, but it turns out that one single guy has ust been posting useless responses to everything. For me, it resulted in evading the threads that person last posted in, ‘cuz it’s no fun anymore. So try to avoid useless posting, if possible, since it doesn't really improve the general mood in the forums
Secondly, try avoiding posting in old (or dead) threads. It happens every now and then that a person digs deep into the forums only to dig up a thread that died out months ago, and respond to that. Now, if it sparks a whole new conversation, no harm done, but personally, if I see a thread that was first posted somewhere in January, I don't bother with it. Old shit is old. The annoying part about this is that the active threads get pushed to the back, making them harder to find, causing annoyance amongst all. People'll have fun in a thread, and then all of a sudden they sign on to fine the forums full of necroposted threads, and the ones they were discussing in nowhere to be found. I know it annoys me. Try to not do it.
As a disclaimer, I had to learn it too. When I first came here I posted on a lot of threads, not always adding content to the discussion, but I learned my lesson. I hope that others will learn from this too. There, now you can't call me hypocrite. Sorry I ranted.
Comic Talk and General Discussion *
Useless posting and posting in old threads
Custard Trout
at 9:33AM, Nov. 19, 2007
Fuck yes, it's about damn time someone spoke up about this.
Someone recently (I will name no names) actually responded to a thread by saying he had nothing to contribute. WHY? What the hell is going through someones head when they post a a reply stating that they have nothing to actually reply with? It's like standing in the middle of a large crowd of people yelling gobbledygook for absolutely no reason.
So in conclusion whine whine whine.
I too used to do this, I feel so dirty
Someone recently (I will name no names) actually responded to a thread by saying he had nothing to contribute. WHY? What the hell is going through someones head when they post a a reply stating that they have nothing to actually reply with? It's like standing in the middle of a large crowd of people yelling gobbledygook for absolutely no reason.
So in conclusion whine whine whine.
I too used to do this, I feel so dirty
Hey buddy, you should be a Russian Cosmonaut, and here's why.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:59AM
Rage Nakasa
at 10:54AM, Nov. 19, 2007
That is good. If it is not on the first page of the Forums, It's dead and uesless.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:00PM
at 11:20AM, Nov. 19, 2007
Custard TroutI totally know that's bekefel in the advertising discussion.
Fuck yes, it's about damn time someone spoke up about this.
Someone recently (I will name no names) actually responded to a thread by saying he had nothing to contribute. WHY? What the hell is going through someones head when they post a a reply stating that they have nothing to actually reply with? It's like standing in the middle of a large crowd of people yelling gobbledygook for absolutely no reason.
So in conclusion whine whine whine.
I too used to do this, I feel so dirty
I don't think I do this Rutger…I don't THINK…I'll definatly not now…
I'm not really around much anymore, but here's my Tumblr, Twitter, and Deviantart. Also if you remember me from back when I was around, I'm sorry.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:49AM
at 11:30AM, Nov. 19, 2007
You just did: ‘Name something you can’t get on the Internet'. Just look in the date difference.
K.A.L.A-dan! Brigade Captain :D
K.A.L.A.-dan forums!
last edited on July 14, 2011 10:57AM
at 11:55AM, Nov. 19, 2007
AQua_ngIn fairness to crocty, the difference between his post and the one before it is a little over an hour. The guy before him, however, has been necroposting all over the place just like several other new members have done recently.
You just did: ‘Name something you can’t get on the Internet'. Just look in the date difference.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:26PM
at 12:03PM, Nov. 19, 2007
FennAQua_ngIn fairness to crocty, the difference between his post and the one before it is a little over an hour. The guy before him, however, has been necroposting all over the place just like several other new members have done recently.
You just did: ‘Name something you can’t get on the Internet'. Just look in the date difference.
That's also one of the guys I was talking about. I don't think he read this thread yet though, since he just did it again. Maybe the big wad of text scared him, or he felt guilty so he's all like “I'll just ignore it, and maybe it'll go away!”
Who knows.
K.A.L.A.-dan! rutGAR desu!
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:14PM
at 12:31PM, Nov. 19, 2007
Okay, I get it, I posted way to much, I'll stop with the twenty posts in a minute, and focus on whats on the first page, I'll take that to mind.
I miss BABAARS NINJAAR house, great memories, Ah, APPLES to APPLES
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:38PM
at 12:45PM, Nov. 19, 2007
I don't see the harm in posting in and old topic, especially if you have something to say that is of some relevance.
I frown upon non-relevant posting regardless, old threads or no.
I frown upon non-relevant posting regardless, old threads or no.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:50PM
at 1:11PM, Nov. 19, 2007
I think it's fine to post in an old topic, especially if you really want to talk about whatever that topic is about, rather than start a new, redundant topic. The problem is if one is just looking for a way to boost one's post count (whatever that will accomplish). Basically I say if you're going to post in a thread farther back than the second page, you'd better at least have a paragraph's worth of additional commentary to add.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:00PM
at 2:00PM, Nov. 19, 2007
I put alot of thought into this since readin it several hours ago and I gotta say you guys are all very up your own asses now aren't you? There are posts that definitively fall into the category of useless but who is to say what's useless? Not everyone has a whole heaping lot to say. What about people who aren't big “talkers” and just want to thrown in an agreement or something? The whole “I don't wanna read” spiel, I'm sorry Rut but F**K YOU. This is the internet, a place of only vsual treats. You can read and look at pictures. If it's a useless post and someone just said “K” or something then guess what? You read a letter. That's why it was useless, you lost no time of your life. Maybe if you used an Apple 2 or something that ran on lil better then DOS and it took you 20 minutes to load the page then you can bitch, if it takes less then a minutes, a full 60 seconds to load a page then get over it. Obviously if you're on the internet doing webcomics you don't have much better to do anyway. I LOVE my comic, my life revolves around it but I don't put a great stake of importance in regards to anything else then the fact that I love it into ANYTHING. My time isn't worth any more or less then any of you. Let's not forget that this is a place of enjoyment and every one enjoys different things. Let's not forget we keep ADULT comics on this site, so whether the forums get a few posts of unimportance isn't going to make this place any more or less respectable. Put some perspective into things people.
I really don't like being a douche bag, I don't. But that needed to be said.
That said though I don't like the posts any more then you guys, I jes don't bitch. I have real things to bitch about.
Oh and you know I loves you Rut. ^__^ Nothing personal.
…Very tempted not to post…Don't want backlash…Screw it. Hate me.
I really don't like being a douche bag, I don't. But that needed to be said.
That said though I don't like the posts any more then you guys, I jes don't bitch. I have real things to bitch about.
Oh and you know I loves you Rut. ^__^ Nothing personal.
…Very tempted not to post…Don't want backlash…Screw it. Hate me.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:36PM
at 2:07PM, Nov. 19, 2007
Now I feel bad…Thanks, dammit.
Might I add, however, that I'm not talking about people agreeing or stuff like that. Lord knows I post a lot of useless stuff. I'm talking about the really, REALLY redundant posts, the ones that
Oh what the hell, screw it. Gobbledygook.
Might I add, however, that I'm not talking about people agreeing or stuff like that. Lord knows I post a lot of useless stuff. I'm talking about the really, REALLY redundant posts, the ones that
Oh what the hell, screw it. Gobbledygook.
K.A.L.A.-dan! rutGAR desu!
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:14PM
at 2:13PM, Nov. 19, 2007
Like I said, I had to say it because it needed to be said. I really didn't wanna be the bad guy.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:36PM
at 2:29PM, Nov. 19, 2007
You're not the bad guy, you're the opposition. Can't have a discussion without an opposition. And I agree on most parts, but you gotta admit it's kinda annoying when you check the forums, and the last 20 threads have posts from the same guy who just posts useless stuff in every thread…
K.A.L.A.-dan! rutGAR desu!
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:14PM
at 2:45PM, Nov. 19, 2007
Not really. It really and truly doesn't bother me. I'm constantly reading through the threads, but I only post in ones I like. And if I don't agree with something some one has said I might say something but generally atthis point I look for certain people. Not bad ones, good ones. Like I came to this thread cuz I'd seen Rutger posted in it. I don't remember the peopel who post useless stuff, I only remember people who post things I'm interested in or enjoy reading. The rest I let slide. Like I said I have real things to worry about and bother me. This is my escape and no escape is ever perfect, but even in its flaws I remain content.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:36PM
at 2:51PM, Nov. 19, 2007
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:06PM
at 2:57PM, Nov. 19, 2007
And mlai is loved so much why?
Oh and something elseI thought was funny Rut, I spent more time here on this thread DEBATING about useless posts then I have actually reading what I consider useless posts. So live with that on your conscience.
Oh and something elseI thought was funny Rut, I spent more time here on this thread DEBATING about useless posts then I have actually reading what I consider useless posts. So live with that on your conscience.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:36PM
at 2:58PM, Nov. 19, 2007
Updates Monday, Wenzday & FRIDAY
Updates Monday, Wenzday & FRIDAY
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:32PM
at 3:00PM, Nov. 19, 2007
keep em posting.
let them exercise their freedom of speech. (unless drunkduck is located in a fascist country or something. lol!)
let them exercise their freedom of speech. (unless drunkduck is located in a fascist country or something. lol!)
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:25PM
at 5:34PM, Nov. 19, 2007
I put alot of thought into this since readin it several hours ago and I gotta say you guys are all very up your own asses now aren't you?
Hey. Don't be an ass.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:50PM
Lord Shplane
at 6:02PM, Nov. 19, 2007
“Hai guyz, this threa iz intresting.”
Now imagine that I had posted that in every thread in the forums.
I think you get the picture.
Now imagine that I had posted that in every thread in the forums.
I think you get the picture.
Yes I know that this game is retarded. It's also fun for some retarded reason.
This one is less retarded, but it's mostly just fun for the trolling
K.A.L.A-dan! Ecchi (lolpr0n)
Yes I know that this game is retarded. It's also fun for some retarded reason.
This one is less retarded, but it's mostly just fun for the trolling
K.A.L.A-dan! Ecchi (lolpr0n)
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:42PM
Custard Trout
at 1:30AM, Nov. 20, 2007
keep em posting.
let them exercise their freedom of speech. (unless drunkduck is located in a fascist country or something. lol!)
There was never a paragraph here.
It doesn't matter what country it's in, the internet doesn't follow meat law. If they want to ban you for using the letter ‘K’, praising Tuesday, or for no reason whatsoever there is nothing you can do because it's up to them, not the laws of whatever country you happen to be in.
Why does no one understand this?
Hey buddy, you should be a Russian Cosmonaut, and here's why.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:59AM
at 5:13AM, Nov. 20, 2007
By that logic Trout why should there be nice days when you sit in on the internet? Why write comics when you can write books? Just because you have the ability to do something doesn't mean you have to use it and not everyone can think of something clever or witty ALL the time.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:36PM
Custard Trout
at 5:24AM, Nov. 20, 2007
By that logic Trout why should there be nice days when you sit in on the internet? Why write comics when you can write books? Just because you have the ability to do something doesn't mean you have to use it and not everyone can think of something clever or witty ALL the time.
No, that'd putting an ability to use in two separate scenarios, I'm saying that people don't need a right if they never use that right.
That said, it was an incredibly stupid thing to write. I'm going to edit it now and pretend I never said it.
Hey buddy, you should be a Russian Cosmonaut, and here's why.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:59AM
at 5:26AM, Nov. 20, 2007
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:36PM
at 5:44AM, Nov. 20, 2007
My two cents: If it's something personal, don't post(in the middle of a discussion); HEY SO AND SO, I LIKE YOUR AVATAR. That is the kind of useless posting Rut is talking about… i think. Also that and half the topics changing to either Disney or sex. One or the other. Don't quite know how that happens.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:57PM
at 5:58AM, Nov. 20, 2007
That's because Disney sucks.
And there it would start. Please don't people.
And even then? So you read the line “Like your avatar”. Let's say a mod doesn't delete it and it remains as long as everyone doesn't BITCH about someone posting that or draw attention to it what of it? Are you complaining that you went and read it? You lost 30 seconds. Like I said, if you REALLY had something better to do then be on the internet and reading it you would be. Hell this is a site for COMICS so why aren't you reading comics then? Screw the forums go make someone happy and read their comic. You can't tell me you read all the good comics on the site. You just ain't found another you like.
I'm personally for people saying as they feel. If someone makes a topic and people come in and of course eventually they get off topic, eventually someone new comes in and posts regarding the topic because that's what they will want to discuss. If not then the topic was dead anyways so let people have their fun. Not everyone wants to venture into TD just to talk to people. *shudders*
Remember, we are all human.
Except mlai. I'm 98% sure he's a real life Duck who wandered onto the site and is always pissed off because this site does not accurately portray his people.
And there it would start. Please don't people.
And even then? So you read the line “Like your avatar”. Let's say a mod doesn't delete it and it remains as long as everyone doesn't BITCH about someone posting that or draw attention to it what of it? Are you complaining that you went and read it? You lost 30 seconds. Like I said, if you REALLY had something better to do then be on the internet and reading it you would be. Hell this is a site for COMICS so why aren't you reading comics then? Screw the forums go make someone happy and read their comic. You can't tell me you read all the good comics on the site. You just ain't found another you like.
I'm personally for people saying as they feel. If someone makes a topic and people come in and of course eventually they get off topic, eventually someone new comes in and posts regarding the topic because that's what they will want to discuss. If not then the topic was dead anyways so let people have their fun. Not everyone wants to venture into TD just to talk to people. *shudders*
Remember, we are all human.
Except mlai. I'm 98% sure he's a real life Duck who wandered onto the site and is always pissed off because this site does not accurately portray his people.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:36PM
at 6:58AM, Nov. 20, 2007
I love reading long dissertations on Internet Etiquette.
you could gather a collective of forums just like this one and title it…
“You Can't Do That on the Internet”
—————-side note(because I know how we all love to go off topic)
WILLIAM J. KOLE, Associated Press Writer
VIENNA, Austria - Kazakhstan and Georgia are among countries imposing excessive restrictions on how people use the Internet, a new report says, warning that regulations are having a chilling effect on freedom of expression.
â??Governing the Internet,â?? issued Thursday by the 56-nation Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, called the online policing â??a bitter reminder of the ease with which some regimes â?? democracies and dictatorships alike â?? seek to suppress speech that they disapprove of, dislike, or simply fear.â??
â??Speaking out has never been easier than on the Web. Yet at the same time we are witnessing the spread of Internet censorship,â?? the report said.
Miklos Haraszti, who heads the OSCEâ??s media freedom office, said about two dozen countries practice censorship, and others have adopted needlessly restrictive legislation and government policy.
Among those are Malaysia, where a government official said this week that laws would be drafted for bloggers and authorities would not hesitate to prosecute those deemed to have insulted Islam.
Haraszti cited separate research by the OpenNet Initiative, a trans-Atlantic group that tracks Internet filtering and surveillance, which pointed to questionable online restrictions in Belarus, China, Hong Kong, Sudan, Tunisia, Uzbekistan and elsewhere.
The OSCE report says Kazakhstanâ??s efforts to rein in Internet journalism in the name of national security is reminiscent of Soviet-era â??spy mania,â?? and it says Georgian law contains numerous provisions curbing freedom of expression online.
Web sites, blogs and personal pages all are subject to criminal as well as civil prosecution in Kazakhstan, and the countryâ??s information minister, Yermukhamet Yertysbayev, has vowed to purge Kazakh sites of â??dirtâ?? and â??lies.â??
â??Those who think it is impossible to control the Internet can continue living in a world of illusions,â?? Yertysbayev told the Vremya newspaper in a recent interview.
On Thursday, in a speech at OSCE headquarters in Vienna, Yertysbayev insisted his country was committed to democracy and the creation of what he called an â??e-governmentâ?? that would expand Internet access and make â??our information sphere more open and our media more free.â??
In the most publicized instance of a government crackdown, Kazakh authorities took control of .kz Internet domains in 2005. It then revoked a domain operated by British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, creator of the movie â??Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan.â??
Baron Cohen since has relocated his satirical Web site, which Kazakhstan considered offensive.
The OSCE report warns that Kazakhstanâ??s approach to the Internet has produced a hostile atmosphere where â??any dissident individual, organization or an entire country could be named an â??enemy of the nation.â??â??
Georgia, the report says, has laws that contain â??contradictory and ill-definedâ?? provisions â??which on certain occasions might give leverage for illegitimate limitation of freedom of expression on the Internet.â??
â??It is important to support the view of the World Press Freedom Committee that â??governanceâ?? must not be allowed to become a code word for government regulation of Internet content,â?? the report says.
you could gather a collective of forums just like this one and title it…
“You Can't Do That on the Internet”
—————-side note(because I know how we all love to go off topic)
WILLIAM J. KOLE, Associated Press Writer
VIENNA, Austria - Kazakhstan and Georgia are among countries imposing excessive restrictions on how people use the Internet, a new report says, warning that regulations are having a chilling effect on freedom of expression.
â??Governing the Internet,â?? issued Thursday by the 56-nation Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, called the online policing â??a bitter reminder of the ease with which some regimes â?? democracies and dictatorships alike â?? seek to suppress speech that they disapprove of, dislike, or simply fear.â??
â??Speaking out has never been easier than on the Web. Yet at the same time we are witnessing the spread of Internet censorship,â?? the report said.
Miklos Haraszti, who heads the OSCEâ??s media freedom office, said about two dozen countries practice censorship, and others have adopted needlessly restrictive legislation and government policy.
Among those are Malaysia, where a government official said this week that laws would be drafted for bloggers and authorities would not hesitate to prosecute those deemed to have insulted Islam.
Haraszti cited separate research by the OpenNet Initiative, a trans-Atlantic group that tracks Internet filtering and surveillance, which pointed to questionable online restrictions in Belarus, China, Hong Kong, Sudan, Tunisia, Uzbekistan and elsewhere.
The OSCE report says Kazakhstanâ??s efforts to rein in Internet journalism in the name of national security is reminiscent of Soviet-era â??spy mania,â?? and it says Georgian law contains numerous provisions curbing freedom of expression online.
Web sites, blogs and personal pages all are subject to criminal as well as civil prosecution in Kazakhstan, and the countryâ??s information minister, Yermukhamet Yertysbayev, has vowed to purge Kazakh sites of â??dirtâ?? and â??lies.â??
â??Those who think it is impossible to control the Internet can continue living in a world of illusions,â?? Yertysbayev told the Vremya newspaper in a recent interview.
On Thursday, in a speech at OSCE headquarters in Vienna, Yertysbayev insisted his country was committed to democracy and the creation of what he called an â??e-governmentâ?? that would expand Internet access and make â??our information sphere more open and our media more free.â??
In the most publicized instance of a government crackdown, Kazakh authorities took control of .kz Internet domains in 2005. It then revoked a domain operated by British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, creator of the movie â??Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan.â??
Baron Cohen since has relocated his satirical Web site, which Kazakhstan considered offensive.
The OSCE report warns that Kazakhstanâ??s approach to the Internet has produced a hostile atmosphere where â??any dissident individual, organization or an entire country could be named an â??enemy of the nation.â??â??
Georgia, the report says, has laws that contain â??contradictory and ill-definedâ?? provisions â??which on certain occasions might give leverage for illegitimate limitation of freedom of expression on the Internet.â??
â??It is important to support the view of the World Press Freedom Committee that â??governanceâ?? must not be allowed to become a code word for government regulation of Internet content,â?? the report says.
Updates Monday, Wenzday & FRIDAY
Updates Monday, Wenzday & FRIDAY
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:32PM
at 7:02AM, Nov. 20, 2007
That was….long. So how do you feel then? And does this mean I'm right? If I'm right about something that means I get to eat that day.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:36PM
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