Purgatory Tower

Opinions please =3 (Chapter 4 Spoilers Ahoy!)
silentkitty at 9:59AM, Feb. 22, 2007
posts: 618
joined: 1-15-2007
Well, it's like this. I have up to chapter 5 or 6 mapped out story-wise, but there's one semi-small detail that I've been rolling around in my head for a while and I just can't decide what I want to go with.

Minor story spoilers follow for those of you that are concerned with that:

If you haven't guessed already, each “floor” of the tower has a different theme. The first floor is (obviously) a jungle, the second floor will be something different, the third, etc. The idea that I've been tossing back and forth in my head and with a few other people actually concerns the clothing of the characters when they change floors.

I may be slightly biased because I love playing with outfit design, but I've been thinking it might be fun if their clothing changed to fit the theme of the floor that they're currently on. On one hand, it'd be nice because they won't have to be wearing the same clothing for the next 20 or so chapters, which would most likely get a little boring to a) draw and b) look at. On the other hand, I'm not sure if the outfit changes would get to be too confusing for the reader. (For the record, they would only be changing outfits once every 3-5 chapters, so it wouldn't be a constant thing.)

To avoid getting into massive spoilers, no, there wouldn't be a problem continuity-wise with their outfits randomly changing. lol!

Anyway, just wanted to get some opinions on it. =3 There's still plenty of time to think about it before it'll come up, so I figured now would be a good time to ask.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:31AM
Azaeziel at 10:32PM, Feb. 23, 2007
posts: 106
joined: 9-28-2006
I think it would be cool to change thier outfits to fit the theme of the floor, yet keep them similar to thier previous outfit (perhaps major colors stay the same or some small accessory never changes).
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Mystic Hand at 10:33PM, Feb. 23, 2007
posts: 118
joined: 10-17-2006
Costume changes sound like a fun idea and a useful storytelling device.

New cloths could help call attention to certain aspects of the characters' personalities or hint at changes they've gone through or secrets they've yet to reveal.

Or they could just look cool. Either way, everybody wins.
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Friedenmann at 8:06AM, Feb. 24, 2007
posts: 87
joined: 11-26-2006
I like this idea. Changin' outfits is always fun^^
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barbwired at 8:10AM, Feb. 24, 2007
posts: 20
joined: 9-5-2006
I agree with the above statements, and would like to add that costume changes don't have to be huge and grandiose. Many of the costumes you have could perhaps remain similar (that may help new readers and avoid confusion). For example, I skin vest may become (for an arctic world, say), the same vest with fur lining, and the same or similar leather fur lined gloves. Also it is interesting to note that clothes tend to seem duller or brighter depending on their setting. So, in the same white/grey arctic world, a brown or green wouldn't look as eye popping as one might expect it would.
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LadyNightshade at 9:45AM, Feb. 24, 2007
posts: 38
joined: 1-20-2007
I think that this idea would be great to do. If your worried about confusing readers, you could always have your characters notice the clothing change.
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Kalira at 1:40PM, Feb. 24, 2007
posts: 10
joined: 12-27-2006
I think that it would be a cool effect, but, keep them similar, or keep something the same, like maybe the magic on the tower changed their existing clothes to match the environment, temperature, etc. that they entered? I think your characters are detailed and different enough that it would be difficult to mix them up, but it would also be cool (I think) to have them notice it, like with surprise, especially the first time.
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silentkitty at 9:10AM, Feb. 25, 2007
posts: 618
joined: 1-15-2007
Yeah, it would just be a costume change, everything else about the characters would stay the same - each main character is a different “species” of animal, so telling them apart hopefully wouldn't become a big issue, unless I spaz out and cut off my right hand. Stick figure time! lol!

I'm sure they'd notice and be pretty vocal about the change in fashion (especially Cai, hehe).
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Kaeil at 9:29PM, April 29, 2007
posts: 1
joined: 4-29-2007
I would say no, despite those all above here saying differently.

Main reason being that if clothing is changed each level, then why did no one notice this when they entered into the jungle level? And if that is the case, then is everyone naked in reality?

You would either have to backtrack to justify it, or… (However you plan the characters to transition between one level and the next) allow the characters a selection of clothing to replace that which is most likely in tatters from the previous levels combat, natural hazards, or what have you. If there is an audience watching this, they might desire clothed combatants as well.
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Rhatahema at 9:52AM, May 14, 2007
posts: 1
joined: 5-13-2007
I think for variety it would be nice, though I think a costume change would be a little out of place for a survival contest. Having the characters kill animals for their pelts to stay warm, or having them remove clothing to deal with the heat might actually add to the story, and still give you some flexibility with character design.
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Andaren at 6:53AM, May 21, 2007
posts: 2
joined: 5-21-2007
sounds like a great idea to me :)
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uber_lorax at 9:27AM, June 3, 2007
posts: 7
joined: 4-15-2007
i think it sounds cool but kaeil makes a good point, but if you can justify not costume changing on the first level i think it would be great i love the idea of a screwy magic tower that controls just about everything inside of it :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
The Uber Lorax DuN dUn DUNNNNNN!!!
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silentkitty at 1:20PM, June 3, 2007
posts: 618
joined: 1-15-2007
As for justifying having no costume change on the first level, that's absolutely not a problem, although I can't really explain why just yet because it's a huge story-altering spoiler, haha. I've actually been fiddling around with this idea a bit, and I'm going to go ahead with it, because at the moment, it's actually making more sense to do it than to not do it in the context of the story.

…And I'm being really vague, sorry. lol! But you'll see.
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uber_lorax at 7:32PM, June 3, 2007
posts: 7
joined: 4-15-2007
sound cool. full speed ahead i say!!! :)
The Uber Lorax DuN dUn DUNNNNNN!!!
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D0m at 8:53AM, June 7, 2007
posts: 656
joined: 5-26-2007
Makes sense.

If they got to, say, an arctic floor of the Tower, they'd be bundling up, I'm sure…

Nadya- a tale about what happens to SOME of us when we die.

Currently: Nadya is awake and asking more relevant questions.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:31AM
Shikiro at 7:28PM, June 7, 2007
posts: 17
joined: 1-17-2007
well, ive always been a function of form gu myself, so i was thinkin, why not make them HAVE to change clothes? like “these let u see the magic stairs/elevator” or just ghillie suits for a part in the jungle where they need to sneak.
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silentkitty at 10:12AM, June 8, 2007
posts: 618
joined: 1-15-2007
Shikiro: You'll see. They won't be physically changing outfits, for the most part. =p
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Anahka at 7:51AM, June 11, 2007
posts: 4
joined: 3-11-2007
Their fur will turn purple. PURPLE. And and and… They'll have green hair. Also, the clothes will change to match the environment. Because of magic. After all, they don't have any other clothes and will therefore be unable to change on purpose.
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silentkitty at 8:08AM, June 11, 2007
posts: 618
joined: 1-15-2007
But what if Aisha has a change of clothes stuffed into her tiny, tiny bags? YOU NEVER KNOW.
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Allciron at 12:56PM, June 12, 2007
posts: 2
joined: 6-5-2007
you could make it some sort of weird rule, like in the Pendragon books, where they have to change their clothes when they enter a new world. just a thought
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LLX at 10:48AM, July 4, 2007
posts: 5
joined: 6-23-2007
But what if Aisha has a change of clothes stuffed into her tiny, tiny bags? YOU NEVER KNOW.

and so it is revealed what 2 of Aisha's items are

Eye of the Dragon Necklace
Bag of Holding
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:31AM

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