FreeFall Drift Forum

Jose Luis
freefall_drift at 1:18PM, June 26, 2008
posts: 260
joined: 6-19-2007

This is Jose Luis, the low tech pilot of the star ship. He's very attuned to the
star fish named Kursk, that powers the star ship. He's rare in that he can coax very delicate movement out of her. That's needed during docking and landing.
He's a Latino from a low tech, high grav world. He's the slut of my crew.
I've always been a fan of the Legion of Superheroes. I had to put some sort of fringe on Jose's jacket in an echo of Dawnstar's fringe.
I settled on fish for his Paint, to go with the StarFish theme. StarFish look like lumps of rock, but it's the idea.
Freefall Drift - A sci fi space opera of a starship's mission of stopping the Endless Kings.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:26AM

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