Creepy Carly forum of murder and mayhem!

LOL for Friday 12.7.07
carly_mizzou at 8:06AM, Dec. 7, 2007
posts: 384
joined: 8-25-2006
It's actually a list, and it's ALL TRUE

1. I live in LA and don't have a car. I ride a bike or the bus everywhere, and I'll meet people and they'll be like “hey you're bike girl!”

2. I once gave illegal (real) tattoos to Swedish guys while watching hockey, drinking vodka, and barbequing. Before I moved to LA I worked 6 months as a tattoo artist (no, it sucks, I don't like touching people) I still have my equipment, but no lisence in California.

3. I have a DEEP fear of katchup. Seriously I've screamed and hit people beucase they didn't understand that I'M TERRIFIED of katchup and tired to put it on me. I even have difficulty looking at other people eating it, or having a bottle of it near me.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:25AM

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