This time I'm sending in Spinic. Go and grab him at The Wraith of Metal Knuckles.
Oh, and if its required…
Breed : Hedgehog
Name: Spinic
Age: 15
Personality: Spinic is not carefree like his counter-part, Sonic. He is a loving, caring, understanding hedgehog. But once he's fired up, nothing can stop him.
Hobbys: Play a Sega Genesis/MegaDrive, tennis and rugby.
Things they love to do: Play a Sega Genesis/MegaDrive
Goal in life: Rescue the Spin Ball dimension using the Hyper Emeralds
Favorite Food: Cheese and Ham pannini
Random stuffs: Can use the power of the Hyper Emeralds at any time, allough his power is limited to the number of Emeralds he has. Is blue he hs no Emeralds. Flashes in the colours of which Hyper Emeralds he does have though.
Past Story: “Mwahahahah! Now, Spinic, this is the last time you mess with me!” “I don't think so, Snotnik! Hyper Control!”… Those were the last words he ever heard in Spobius ever… …the biggest Hyper Control ever to exist, until, Sonic and his pals Chaos Controlled all the way to Earth… …or was it? Spinic's destiny awaits with Sonic, as he collects the rest of the Hyper Emeralds…
Fighting Class:
Weapon (Put N/A if none for all weapons): N/A
Secondary Weapon: N/A
Weapon Name: N/A
Another cameo
dragon Shraa_tak
at 4:04AM, Dec. 3, 2007
Death is but the begining of new life. A second chance to find a new way to repeat the same mistakes…
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:23AM
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