I have reached 100! It should shortly be posted in the news, so I have a request for all you “Oh, a newsie. reached 100, huh, better check it out” people. Please give me a comment. Somewhere. Or toss me a PQ. last time, when I hit 75, I got 500+ people to view the site. I have no clue if that was just ‘bot traffic or what. So please, let me know, even to say you hate it.
Right, that being said, I do apologizes to my supposed readers. I sprung these 5 pages fairly out of the blue. These were supposed to go at the end of November, but I goofed around thinking I could add them back in.
I was wrong.
Once the year turns, no more editing. So I had to put them somewhere. Here was elected. If your curious about these characters, hit the first button, jump back to the crapfest that is square one, and begin.
Furtherly new, I am “actively” working on the next big arc. I want to have a big full thing, with consistent artwork and story. it’ll be of the sleuthy detective story type. So once again, something different. It'll probably post in April. March, I declared previously, is devoted to the A.D.D. book, the coolest children's book ever made. It has no digital editing. I scanned it direct with a color scanner, shrunk it so it fit, an viola(or is it violin?)! Instant 18 pages of comic…
I do wish to remind y'all that as of April 16 or so, I will go away for 2 years. I do intend an auto update, once every week or so, so as I can appease some people online. This does invole, however, that I write 120 comics or so NOW.
If anyone has any comments, or questions, remember, there are no stupid people, just badd tipres!!1!1!2q!11!!
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