I'm Not Bob - The Blog

Two Weeks In
robzidious at 7:59AM, Jan. 22, 2009
posts: 48
joined: 1-8-2009
Well, it’s been two weeks since the launch of I’m Not Bob. I am both surprised and flattered with the success the strip has had since its inception. I had an idea of where I wanted to go with the strip when I made it but wasn’t sure if I had the talent to keep it going or if people would even care to read it. I’d like to take a moment specifically to thank everyone who has stopped by and read the strips and posted comments. Your readership is very much appreciated. Sometimes we comickers get caught up in the creative process so much that we forget to say this. Again, thank you for taking the time out of your already busy schedules to stop by and I hope that I’ve been able to at least make you chuckle a little bit.

So, what’s in store for the future with I’m Not Bob? Well, I have some big plans. Of course, my main focus is being able to deliver the strip on time and on schedule. So far I’ve been able to meet that demand and update three times per week on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I will be updating the layout of the strip soon. I’ll be including recommended comics, a link/banner exchange section, and updated and improved graphics for the site. So, if I do miss an update or two in the coming days/weeks just know that it is not due to my inattention to the strip but rather my efforts to improve the quality of the strip itself. I don’t expect success overnight. It takes hard work and dedication, both of which I’m ready to commit to with this comic.
You’ve probably noticed this new forum area. This is just one of many additions coming for the site. I plan on having a fan art section, contests, interviews, and a whole lot more. So, please stay tuned and thanks again for supporting the strip.

Best Wishes,
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:17AM

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