Dragon Doctors Discussion

Speculation 1
Legolos229 at 5:03PM, Feb. 24, 2009
posts: 25
joined: 1-18-2009
Alright…. Because of the HUGE ammount of speculation that has happened in the past and is likely to happen again I'm going to try to funnel it a little into here.
Oh I'm sorry…. You DIDN'T want me to hold back?

last edited on July 18, 2011 10:17AM
theBSDude at 7:49PM, Feb. 26, 2009
posts: 16
joined: 1-26-2009
Okay, speculations. *rups palms*

Mysterious Orange Oval= phoenix egg

Seed= being observant and, more importantly, inquisitive, I'm guessing he stuck his nose somewhere he shouldn't have and either inhaled something, picked something up, or maybe just asked the wrong person the wrong question and got poisoned.

Obervant…ness= Chekov's skill; if not the source of his problem, than a major obstical in for the doctors' attempts to keep him from finding out what they know about the seed.
theBSDude, aka Thebes.

Read at my work on deviantART or check out me and my other online friends in the forums of Earthsong.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:17AM
M_Northstar at 4:11PM, Feb. 27, 2009
posts: 8
joined: 1-6-2009
I have a speculation about how the doctors are going to handle the Crax: I'm guessing it will be Kili's job to trap the Crax' perceptions in a false world, while the others work to excise the infestation.
Read The Annals of Fantasy, my webcomic blog.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:17AM
Legolos229 at 9:59PM, March 4, 2009
posts: 25
joined: 1-18-2009
more pplz need to post…. Andy that means you!


Anyone who has already posted can repost if they want or edit their current posts in order to change their speculations based on the times.
Oh I'm sorry…. You DIDN'T want me to hold back?

last edited on July 18, 2011 10:17AM
Legolos229 at 10:29PM, March 9, 2009
posts: 25
joined: 1-18-2009
This is my speculation's new home

The Egg/Gem is probably like a dragon's egg or a magical gem or whatnot. mainly that is how Mori recognized it so quickly, obviously it is valuble (notice, UNLIMITED CREDIT!!!!)what it is used for I don't know…

Kili appears as a woman in the soul link because 1, she/he (I'm not so sure anymore) has adjusted to the new body so well that that is Kili's self-image. Another possiblity is that the female and male essesnces are contained inside of the soul itself. Thus, when Kili's body was changed from that of a man to a woman his/her soul was affected as well. One more possiblity is that that is how Greg veiws Kili and thus, the change that may normally happen is unable to happen.

The Crax is a Crystal deamon of some sort… that or it lives between dimentions…. apparently every part of a crax connected to a host or not has a bit of sentenence. IT is a hive mind and very dangerous any way you go at it.
Either way a helluva hard creature to kill…..

In addition, the crax have the aility to keep a thread of it's own conciousness attatched to the host's if progressed far enough. that is how the crax had entered into the soul link forged by Kili.
Oh I'm sorry…. You DIDN'T want me to hold back?

last edited on July 18, 2011 10:17AM
M_Northstar at 8:37AM, March 14, 2009
posts: 8
joined: 1-6-2009
Looks like over a LONG period of time Kaeoz, Northstar, Thebes, Fire Dragons and I ended up calling that one… My guess. Preston Chang either created the first crax or IS the first crax. All other Crax are simply parts of him split off and thus he is able to experience everything, that way he can outlive a star and survive everything…. Including Old age. The only drawback to this is that he is a parasitic creature that needs to hijack other bodies in order to see anything. How he managed to hi-jack his way into the soul link… Through STONE Is beyond me however. I hope Kili has some sort of weapon hidden in her thoughts or this could end rather badly. Somehow I saw this coming… especially after their last case… lets just hope that Gregs unnatural perception will come in handy for the upcoming fight… eh?

Poor Greg really isn't having a very good day is he…
-Posted on Mar 12, 2009

Darius Drake
Legolos, I agree to a certain extent but think that there might be slightly different to what you think. I suspect that Preston probably tried to make himself immortal by splitting up into many different parts and possessing people creating the first Craxellion outbreak. However, some small parts of himself escaped the freezing of Diving City to continue to annoy and kill to this day.
-Posted on Mar 12, 2009

Kaeoz Crimson
Theory: He altered himself, or a creature, into the first Crax, in order to seek immortality, and then, if necessary, transferred himself into that creature. Nothing natural is that resistant to magic and other forces. His method makes sense, in a way. The only way to make your own body immortal is to convert every cell in your body into cancer-like or bacteria-like cells. Those are the only immortal cells that exist, but without sustanence, those cells inevitably die. Fed, however, they will exist forever. That's what cancer is, really, a cell reverting to a bacteria-like state. That may be the only way to truly kill the Crax: isolate them until they starve to death.
-Posted on Mar 12, 2009

I think the Crax is like a malignant cancer, given will, magical resistance, and the ability to go from body to body: it transfers from cell to cell, converting them to Crax like themselves. It does nothing for the body, and serves only itself.

That may actually be the origin of the Krax: magically altered malignant cancer cells.
-Posted on Mar 12, 2009

I agree that “Preston Chang” probably was some mad scientist that created or became the first Crax. So far we've had “He turned himself into the first Crax”; “He transferred his mind into the first Crax”; and “He possessed people who turned into the first Craxellions”. Just for the sake of diversity, I'm going to through out this permutation: Chang's lust for life drove him to become an interdimensional explorer. In a strange dimension he came upon the Crax, which was not a very deadly creature in its own dimension, it was just very tough and resistent and adaptable due to its environment. Chang and the Crax melded, making the first Craxellion, which when introduced to our own dimension created a plague that threatens the world to this day.

My other theory is that “Preston Chang” is just a pun for “presto chango”.

@Keaoz: Re immortal cells: well perhaps immortal is going a bit far. I just read an article about this yesterday (funny little world, isn't it?), that said the longevity record for bacteria is eight million years. Prodigous, but hardly an eyeblink on the timescale of the universe.
-Posted on Mar 13, 2009

This just reminds me of: resistance is futile… (damn borgs)
Maybe “Preston” (I agree that it's just a pun) was just a wizard so afraid to let go life that he found a way to adapt to almost anything. What I do wonder is this: Do the crax assimilate part of the host (feelings, experiences, etc)? If that is the case, then we are talking about a really powerful creature capable of mantaining some kind of sanity after all that input.
Guess we'll just have to wait and see how everything develops.
-Posted on Mar 13, 2009

aqua 77
@northstar 8million years, thats per cell right? so if he just kept assimilateing new hosts before 8million years he would survive forever. besides he sead that he would settle to be the very last thing to die. although that would probably be hell for him is he outlived life by 8million years. his obvious fear of death would mean that he would franticaly search for more ways to live even after he had killed all other forms of life. 8million years of his own private hell.
-Posted on Mar 13, 2009

@aqua77: Well, technically true, but we're talking about some seriously long times here. His pray might well mutate in that time to resist him, or there may evolve a life form more deadly than him. The most likely scenario would be for some of the Craxellions to mutate into slightly different, non-compatible forms, and start competing with - or praying on - each other, especially if he's successful enough in one area that there's a shortage of new hosts.

Drat, we really should have moved this discussion to the forum. There's Legolos' speculation thread languishing in solitude, and here we are discussing the evolution of sentient cancer.

I'm barely awake now, but tomorrow I'm going to move this entire discussion to the forum.

Read The Annals of Fantasy, my webcomic blog.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:17AM
M_Northstar at 4:58AM, March 15, 2009
posts: 8
joined: 1-6-2009
Ch5 P20 - No News is Bad News

Seems like the main battle against the Crax will be in Kili's and Greg's mind. Fortunately, as a shaman, Kili should have the upper hand in this arena, not to mention their home court advantage.
Read The Annals of Fantasy, my webcomic blog.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:17AM
theBSDude at 1:42PM, March 15, 2009
posts: 16
joined: 1-26-2009
I keep expecting her to reach back and pull a bazooka out of nowhere.
theBSDude, aka Thebes.

Read at my work on deviantART or check out me and my other online friends in the forums of Earthsong.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:17AM
Legolos229 at 3:59PM, March 15, 2009
posts: 25
joined: 1-18-2009
I keep expecting her to reach back and pull a bazooka out of nowhere.

I know what you mean… I'm expecting some sort of SUPER SWORD, or something to that effect to be pulled out from behind Kili's back. Who knows how they will fight however…:neenjah:
Oh I'm sorry…. You DIDN'T want me to hold back?

last edited on July 18, 2011 10:17AM
Legolos229 at 3:08PM, March 16, 2009
posts: 25
joined: 1-18-2009
ALRIGHT!!! Bringin up teh fire between the good guys, (Kili and Greg, the stone) and the bad guys :gem: (Preston the super crax). Hows it going to be done? How will Kili and Greg pull up despite all odds?…. Or will they?
Oh I'm sorry…. You DIDN'T want me to hold back?

last edited on July 18, 2011 10:17AM
Thelric at 8:33AM, March 17, 2009
posts: 1
joined: 2-11-2009
Sometimes, to beat impossible odds, impossible sacrifices are needed. I believe that whatever happens, some chunks of both Kili's and Greg's selfs/memories will be lost (even more because their psyches are the battlefield). Kili will use to her advantage all those sad memories, all that pent up furstration, to destroy the Crax, fueled by Greg's support/admiration/love.

As an example, imagine something like Dragon Ball: a clash of energies, the Crax starts winning little by little, until Greg comes up and adds his energy to Kili's so the blast can obliterate the enemy.

Just my two cents.
Guys, I ran out of dragon.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:17AM
aqua 77 at 2:44PM, March 17, 2009
posts: 9
joined: 2-10-2009
right after i posted this i realized that it belongs here, made some changes also.

wait a second! what's that white oval?

is tomo coming back? she said that she wanted to help Kili, Kili can't contact her other spirits without getting taken over by the crax, could tomo just be checking in to see how Kili's doing and then save them?

or is it that egg/gem thing? perhaps it is a powerfull protective amulet. it would be reasonable for a protective amulet to have an egg-shape (the egg protects the baby) and would also explain the unlimited credit.

perhaps it is an egg of some rare and benevelent creature of great power that will hatch when it is needed. if you don't need help when faceing a sentinent disease that can live off of light when do you need help?
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:17AM
Darius Drake at 3:14PM, March 17, 2009
posts: 31
joined: 2-13-2009
First of all, I would like to say sorry for speculating on the main page. I am just no used to forums.

I do think that you are right that it is Tomo coming back. Though, even if it is not, the problem could still be solved by Greg and Kili deciding to …focus… on each other completely. I would prefer that option, myself, but I'm just a pervert.
Heh heh heh. Boom.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:17AM
Darius Drake at 3:25PM, March 17, 2009
posts: 31
joined: 2-13-2009
Sorry, I meant to say not used to forums, not no used to forums.

Also, how do you get those little commenty things.
Heh heh heh. Boom.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:17AM
Legolos229 at 6:35PM, March 17, 2009
posts: 25
joined: 1-18-2009
Darius Drake
First of all, I would like to say sorry for speculating on the main page. I am just no used to forums.

I do think that you are right that it is Tomo coming back. Though, even if it is not, the problem could still be solved by Greg and Kili deciding to …focus… on each other completely. I would prefer that option, myself, but I'm just a pervert.

First of all, no harm done. The speculation can be seen easier on the front page… which is where most people go. Since you added it it saves a little time for me or Northstar… whom I seem to suddenly be in cahoots with. (By the way, thanks again Northstar. As for Tomo, if she appears I think she will be appearing later. I think that that is simply a barrier that Kili put ups with her power, whether it is mental or not. As for the Greg+Kili option… It is perfectly viable. I like the DBZ idea.

Oh and to get the quotations like above simply press the little Quote button above the post. or press quote under the body section of the posting screen it's at the right end.
Oh I'm sorry…. You DIDN'T want me to hold back?

last edited on July 18, 2011 10:17AM
theBSDude at 8:01PM, March 17, 2009
posts: 16
joined: 1-26-2009
I hadn't even considered Tomo coming back… seems like a pretty good guess, though.

Hey, maybe she's the mysterious white oval. ha
theBSDude, aka Thebes.

Read at my work on deviantART or check out me and my other online friends in the forums of Earthsong.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:17AM
Darius Drake at 5:25AM, March 18, 2009
posts: 31
joined: 2-13-2009
This is speculation about, not what is GOING to happen in the comic, but more about what HAS happened in the comic and how.

Anyway, I believe that the reason why the Crax could invade the soul link due to the fact that both the people in the soul link were thinking about it. Kind of like opening a door into the conjoined mind scape specifically for it. As such, if they no longer pay any attention to it, it would be dragged out, as technically the Crax wouldn't be inside the mind scape, rather looking in through the door frame, as entering the room involves becoming part of the room. Thus shutting the door would lock the Crax out.
Heh heh heh. Boom.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:17AM
aqua 77 at 7:35AM, March 18, 2009
posts: 9
joined: 2-10-2009
i wasnt talking about the white oval that Kili and Stone are in i was talking about the other oval that was above them and to the side. i don't see how that could be a barrier since the crax is between it and Kili and Stone. but since it looks like they might not need external help i dont know what it could be any more.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:17AM
Legolos229 at 1:52PM, March 18, 2009
posts: 25
joined: 1-18-2009
Oh and condensing comes here!
aqua 77
i wasnt talking about the white oval that Kili and Stone are in i was talking about the other oval that was above them and to the side. i don't see how that could be a barrier since the crax is between it and Kili and Stone. but since it looks like they might not need external help i dont know what it could be any more.

Sorry about that by the way….
Oh…. I didn't even notice it…. hmmm….

Even a dreamscape needs a sun or moon however…

Oh well I'll just remove that from that post… It was my bad.

:spin: huh!? Oh… It appears I did that on the main page…

Oh I'm sorry…. You DIDN'T want me to hold back?

last edited on July 18, 2011 10:17AM
M_Northstar at 3:38PM, March 18, 2009
posts: 8
joined: 1-6-2009
Darius Drake
Sorry, I meant to say not used to forums, not no used to forums.

Also, how do you get those little commenty things.

Darius, you don't need to make an entirely new post to correct yourself (that's called double posting, and is frowned on on many forums). You can always edit your own posts by clicking the edit button (or link, in the case of these forums), in the upper right corner of your post's heading, next to the quote and delete buttons.

If you're making a major edit, it is customary to add it below the original post, and preface it with a capital letter edit, like this:

EDIT: new information.

Since you added it it saves a little time for me or Northstar… whom I seem to suddenly be in cahoots with. (By the way, thanks again Northstar.

You're welcome, and I am always in cahoots with the forces of good ;-)

But really, it's not so strange that I would exert myself on behalf of getting this community going. Remember, it was me who requested the forum to begin with, so I feel invested.

The advantage of a forum over simple comments is that the forum is both more permanent and more structured, allowing speculation and discussion to span more than one comic. This leads to longer, more in depth discussions, as well as discussions separated by topic, rather than by update.

Those are very important when building a community, even a webcommunity. I am reminded of a line from David Weber's and John Ringo's military SF novel “March Upcountry”, where a space marine captain says “our job is to protect the continuity of our government. That *is* civilization.” (quoted from memory, actual verbiage might vary).

Puh. Maybe I should post more so I don't talk so much in each post.
Read The Annals of Fantasy, my webcomic blog.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:17AM
Legolos229 at 3:53PM, March 18, 2009
posts: 25
joined: 1-18-2009
Since you added it it saves a little time for me or Northstar… whom I seem to suddenly be in cahoots with. (By the way, thanks again Northstar.

You're welcome, and I am always in cahoots with the forces of good ;-)

But really, it's not so strange that I would exert myself on behalf of getting this community going. Remember, it was me who requested the forum to begin with, so I feel invested.

Puh. Maybe I should post more so I don't talk so much in each post.

1. Who ever said I was working with the forces of good? :dizzy:
2. Thanks for that!
3. Who cares that you post a lot per post, it gives more, for less. which is always good!

Alright…. So what exactly is that Sphere? A spirit, A bit of power to strengthen Greg's will, Sarin trying to touch their minds? What do you guys think?
Oh I'm sorry…. You DIDN'T want me to hold back?

last edited on July 18, 2011 10:17AM
Darius Drake at 2:31AM, March 26, 2009
posts: 31
joined: 2-13-2009
Thank you Northstar, I didn't even notice the edit button.

Having read the latest comic, I want to know more what Tomo just said to Greg (Ch5 p31). Who want's to try to answer that one?

But to guess what the sphere was, I would say that the Sphere is possibly one of two things. One, Kili's protective sphere created another one to protect other parts of themselves, or, Two, the protective sphere created two parts, one which absorbs and one which expels. In other words, Greg's & Kili's in a protective bubble and if something is thrown through the bubble it wouldn't go through, rather it would come out the smaller bubble.
Heh heh heh. Boom.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:17AM
theBSDude at 9:31AM, March 26, 2009
posts: 16
joined: 1-26-2009
The sphere was the moon. Speedy said. After we asked what it was, he changed it to the yellow, crattered moon.
theBSDude, aka Thebes.

Read at my work on deviantART or check out me and my other online friends in the forums of Earthsong.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:17AM
Darius Drake at 11:25PM, March 26, 2009
posts: 31
joined: 2-13-2009
Speedy said that? I thought it was someone else, that's why I didn't think it was answered. Sorry.

We still don't know what that egg, or egg shaped thing, which was given in payment, is, so we can still ask about that. And the question of what was said to Greg by Tomo is still unanswered.
Heh heh heh. Boom.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:17AM
Speedball at 10:36PM, March 27, 2009
posts: 9
joined: 5-3-2007
All I can say for now is we'll find out when the time comes. We WILL find out. I don't believe in unresolved plot threads. They bug the everloving crap out of me. It may take some time to get to them, though.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:17AM
Legolos229 at 5:22PM, March 29, 2009
posts: 25
joined: 1-18-2009
All I can say for now is we'll find out when the time comes. We WILL find out. I don't believe in unresolved plot threads. They bug the everloving crap out of me. It may take some time to get to them, though.
I's don'ts blames ya Speeds. The stories that like to fly around my head bug the helk out of me if tey don't resolve.

Mepersonallythinks (yes it's all one word) that Tomo was letting Greg know something about Kili… Or possibly about the spirit vision, a heads up of some sort.
Oh I'm sorry…. You DIDN'T want me to hold back?

last edited on July 18, 2011 10:17AM
Legolos229 at 5:38AM, March 31, 2009
posts: 25
joined: 1-18-2009
the doctors are…. BORED… What will happen?

I've got nothing at the moment so go for it… then again some nice transformation entertainment might not be that bad!
Oh I'm sorry…. You DIDN'T want me to hold back?

last edited on July 18, 2011 10:17AM
theBSDude at 10:47AM, April 16, 2009
posts: 16
joined: 1-26-2009
Okay so, Greg's a werewolf. Kili must've known, so the question is, why didn't she tell anyone?

My guess: there's no full moon for a while, so she didn't think it was important. The problem is that Sarin disrupted Greg's form when she rapidly changed him male-to-female and back, triggering his transformation.
theBSDude, aka Thebes.

Read at my work on deviantART or check out me and my other online friends in the forums of Earthsong.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:17AM
Darius Drake at 1:54AM, April 17, 2009
posts: 31
joined: 2-13-2009
BSDude, since Kili turned into a werewolf too, it can be assumed that this is a new development, possibly from the operation.

I think that Goro might have been turned into a “beastman/catgirl” that was carrying a magical disease that turns people into werewolves. Thus why Kili turned into one too.

It is also possible that it was inherated from the Crax, while still being a magical disease. However, it may be that more information about what lycanthropy is may be needed.
Heh heh heh. Boom.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:17AM
theBSDude at 10:54AM, April 17, 2009
posts: 16
joined: 1-26-2009
Yeah, the new page scraps my idea.
theBSDude, aka Thebes.

Read at my work on deviantART or check out me and my other online friends in the forums of Earthsong.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:17AM

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