This is my first blog right here, so I may as well say some stuff about John.
John began on the website MindStage, which was and I presume will forever be an obscure little hosting site. After an inner-site tiff, I decided to send the adventures of John, Larry and the gang all around the world, starting with DrunkDuck. Well, that's not strictly true. Originally I was going to use SmackJeeves, but unfortunately many of my early John comics were too long for their site, so I came here. The remnants of it are visible here: After finding and uploading John to DrunkDuck, I proceeded to upload them to DeviantArt, visible here in case you're wondering: A new site, is being made by Lord Krave, Dr Crazy and myself after we left MindStage, which will by the way will soon be the central site for John, so i'll have to figure out how to use redirects.. Anyway, I hope you found this informative. LATER SKATER. GOTTA SPEED KEED. Bye.
Hey So.
at 4:21AM, Aug. 25, 2009
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last edited on July 18, 2011 10:15AM
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