I think we were both meh about this one. Definitely has some anatomy issues early on.
tell us what you think.

Review Discussions
Project GTH
at 12:51AM, Sept. 12, 2010
The art is usually good. Though the pages themselves have inconsistentces. Each page has atleast one bad or good panel. So no page is fully bad or good. It feels like the artist deemed a panel not important and rushed through it. Also a downside is that the artist early on does copy paste for crowds or piles of bodies. The art is improving and there is no more copy or paste. The rushed through panels are getting better also. Extreme close ups are were the artist excells. The coloring, shading and detail over all are awesome.
I've seen the whole “Govment makes super human weapons that supposely have no emoitions” over and over with little in the way of inavation. Fortunally the auther brings some unque twists to the story. I'm not going to say what they are, leave them for suprises.
Over all the characters are a little bland to me. Not much to them other than a select few emotions and a sad backstory. Though I do like the interactions between the characters. There in those moments the characters are spiced up.
The art is usually good. Though the pages themselves have inconsistentces. Each page has atleast one bad or good panel. So no page is fully bad or good. It feels like the artist deemed a panel not important and rushed through it. Also a downside is that the artist early on does copy paste for crowds or piles of bodies. The art is improving and there is no more copy or paste. The rushed through panels are getting better also. Extreme close ups are were the artist excells. The coloring, shading and detail over all are awesome.
I've seen the whole “Govment makes super human weapons that supposely have no emoitions” over and over with little in the way of inavation. Fortunally the auther brings some unque twists to the story. I'm not going to say what they are, leave them for suprises.
Over all the characters are a little bland to me. Not much to them other than a select few emotions and a sad backstory. Though I do like the interactions between the characters. There in those moments the characters are spiced up.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:14AM
at 9:49PM, Sept. 12, 2010
After reading some of the comments, I think I might need to post more about what I think about this comic.
Art: The art is decent. The coloring is the best thing it has going for it. The line art is okay, but the real failing is the anatomy. Many times the characters look wonky or out of proportion. This is a real problem on some pages where it is easy to tell when an arm is too long or that the abs don't look right.
Story: I felt it was kinda meh. The most unusual thing about it is that it's a Latin American country that is performing these experiments, since most of the time it's the USA or one of the other super powers.
Characters: Most of them are pretty flat. This is a problem when you want the audience to connect with the characters. Flat characters are rarely interesting enough to hold the readers' attention long enough to from a connection to.
Fanservice: I have to say that this is probably the worst part about the comic as a whole. There are two occasions that stick out in my mind. The first is towards the start of the story. The main protagonist turns into a nymphomaniac and tries to bang some guy she barely knows. It's later hand-waved that it's because of her menstrual cycle, which as a guy who grew up in a house where I was the only guy, I find a)incorrect, sure they get a little testy, but generally women can keep their tempers and impulses in check, and b) insulting, as far as I have seen, guys are just as bad as girls. the second is when two other female characters get into a fight and one is just curb-stomped. Okay, but why was it necessary for the loser to have her shirt ripped off? There are numerous other instances, but these two stuck out the most.
So overall this comic is just average.
Art: The art is decent. The coloring is the best thing it has going for it. The line art is okay, but the real failing is the anatomy. Many times the characters look wonky or out of proportion. This is a real problem on some pages where it is easy to tell when an arm is too long or that the abs don't look right.
Story: I felt it was kinda meh. The most unusual thing about it is that it's a Latin American country that is performing these experiments, since most of the time it's the USA or one of the other super powers.
Characters: Most of them are pretty flat. This is a problem when you want the audience to connect with the characters. Flat characters are rarely interesting enough to hold the readers' attention long enough to from a connection to.
Fanservice: I have to say that this is probably the worst part about the comic as a whole. There are two occasions that stick out in my mind. The first is towards the start of the story. The main protagonist turns into a nymphomaniac and tries to bang some guy she barely knows. It's later hand-waved that it's because of her menstrual cycle, which as a guy who grew up in a house where I was the only guy, I find a)incorrect, sure they get a little testy, but generally women can keep their tempers and impulses in check, and b) insulting, as far as I have seen, guys are just as bad as girls. the second is when two other female characters get into a fight and one is just curb-stomped. Okay, but why was it necessary for the loser to have her shirt ripped off? There are numerous other instances, but these two stuck out the most.
So overall this comic is just average.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:14AM
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