So I've been working on this little story...

Sorry, no post this Friday
Scorpion451 at 7:36AM, Feb. 11, 2011
posts: 51
joined: 11-19-2010
Been a crazy past few days, and today's page is going to have to be pushed back to Tuesday. –;

Kind of like the old saying:

I try to take life one day at a time,
but lately several days have attacked me at once.

I hate to have to skip this post, as this is the first time that I've missed a posting day, but there is just no way that I am going to be able to get it done before Saturday, and that's doing a slap together job that I'll hate, and have to go back and fix which will make Tuesday's post late…trust me its just better this way.

Hope ya'll understand about me having this whole “life” thing interfere with my comic, and forgive the lapse!

PS.-If its any consolation, the page so far is shaping up to be one of the ones that I'm not dissatisfied with, so it should be worth the wait.
Updates every Tuesday!

Visit my deviantArt page to see some of my artwork and what I'm up to when I'm playing the not-working-on-my-webcomic game
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:14AM

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