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MUSIC! New (FREE) EP that is awesome.
Bocaj at 9:07AM, Jan. 2, 2012
posts: 3,280
joined: 4-3-2007
Hey! I made an EP which is totally free and I think you should listen to it! My style is somewhere in the realm of Andrew Jackson Jihad but with ukulele.
ayesinback at 1:26PM, Jan. 4, 2012
posts: 2,162
joined: 8-23-2010
Be you Jacob, then? Happy to give a listen.
You TOO can be (multiple choice)
Bocaj at 9:07PM, Jan. 8, 2012
posts: 3,280
joined: 4-3-2007
Yes I am Jacob and thank you very much, super cool person!
rokulily at 2:35PM, Jan. 11, 2012
posts: 1,109
joined: 2-26-2008
i'm liking the mallory- dissident thing
ayesinback at 5:49PM, Jan. 11, 2012
posts: 2,162
joined: 8-23-2010
Bocaj wrote:
Yes I am Jacob and thank you very much, super cool person!
oh my - super cool am i not. and who's cool that resorts to yoda talk. mmm?

but anyway - well worth a listen! You've definitely got something going on, but it's not professional sounding yet, imo.

You didn't ask for feedback so, end now.

you still looking?

OK - well then, it's a little too “scratchy” sounding for my ears. I like your voice (and that's not an easy commodity to come by), and I like what your lyrics have to say, but your pace is a little too frenetic for me to want to pay close attention. and the ukel (geez, you're making me spell this word - hold on - google)ukuleleis fun, but not always complementary to voice and/or lyrics.

On the upside, I like what you have to say. I definitely hope you keep at it.
You TOO can be (multiple choice)
Bocaj at 2:29AM, Jan. 12, 2012
posts: 3,280
joined: 4-3-2007
Sorry rokulily the mallory dissident isn't me (but it is GREAT). You must have went to my tumblr where I also put music I like that isn't mine. The bandcamp page has my EP on it and I guess if you're having trouble this is the page to download the album: I'm also beginning to learn guitar so I may experiment with that too, thanks for that input!! I am getting more passionate about my lyrics so again thanks so much. And one final general thank you, it really means a whole lot to me to hear what people think about my stuff.
Genejoke at 5:07AM, Jan. 12, 2012
posts: 4,268
joined: 4-9-2010
I think you have the bare bones of some good songs, they sound like they should be on a phone advert or some such. Considering how you recorded them it sounds good, guess your laptop has a decent mic.

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