Don't read this if you don't want to know what's coming up on the next page…
Bubbaclaw: We'll get to it on the next couple pages but, to put you out of your anticipatory misery, the pig guy is Ernest Goodale, the landlord of The Dancing Donkey, who has been subjected to a metamorphosis spell by person or persons unknown.
at 1:40AM, Feb. 2, 2012
last edited on Feb. 2, 2012 1:41AM
at 7:36PM, Feb. 2, 2012
at 12:00AM, Feb. 9, 2012
Some answers to comments on Page 89…
bravo1102: I said I wasn't going to clutter up the comments with my ramblings and, half an hour later, I did! Dunno why I always envisaged the skill levels of wizardry as being Level 10 (Apprentice) up to Level 1 (Grand Master) but I did. Probably stems from the years spent working in the music industry. (I was a local radio deejay for a while and also ran my own record shop back in the days when people used to go to the high street to buy their music.)
El Cid: She is comfortable scampering about in her birthday suit! And, on today's page, she is getting ready to bathe so she won't be clothed anytime soon. I did this deliberately. The whole of this chapter is pretty much one big info dump so, I thought, if we have a naked lady in at least one frame per page, it might stop readers from nodding off!
Jamie59: Naked Bess bends over and no reaction from Septimus? Well, maybe… maybe not. That robe is fairly loose - who knows what's going on under there!
Lopriest: Septimus doesn't suspect the queen consort? Hmm… do you?
Finally, why is the tavern called The Dancing Donkey? I asked the question coz earthdweller came up with a really clever and convoluted reason and asked me if that was it. As I suspected, no one is really all that interested but, for earthdweller, let me say: As a rule, don't look for “clever” in Bhaddland! It was just a cheap joke, a play on words… in Lord Of The Rings there is a tavern called The Prancing Pony, so…
bravo1102: I said I wasn't going to clutter up the comments with my ramblings and, half an hour later, I did! Dunno why I always envisaged the skill levels of wizardry as being Level 10 (Apprentice) up to Level 1 (Grand Master) but I did. Probably stems from the years spent working in the music industry. (I was a local radio deejay for a while and also ran my own record shop back in the days when people used to go to the high street to buy their music.)
El Cid: She is comfortable scampering about in her birthday suit! And, on today's page, she is getting ready to bathe so she won't be clothed anytime soon. I did this deliberately. The whole of this chapter is pretty much one big info dump so, I thought, if we have a naked lady in at least one frame per page, it might stop readers from nodding off!
Jamie59: Naked Bess bends over and no reaction from Septimus? Well, maybe… maybe not. That robe is fairly loose - who knows what's going on under there!
Lopriest: Septimus doesn't suspect the queen consort? Hmm… do you?
Finally, why is the tavern called The Dancing Donkey? I asked the question coz earthdweller came up with a really clever and convoluted reason and asked me if that was it. As I suspected, no one is really all that interested but, for earthdweller, let me say: As a rule, don't look for “clever” in Bhaddland! It was just a cheap joke, a play on words… in Lord Of The Rings there is a tavern called The Prancing Pony, so…
at 5:25PM, Feb. 19, 2012
Some answers to comments on Page 92:
Jamie59: I have no plans to involve Septimus in any sexual shenanigans - I see him as more of an observer (of life, not of sexual shenanigans… he ain't no prevert!) Besides, his pale, bony old body is a pretty gruesome sight.
Jamie59: I have no plans to involve Septimus in any sexual shenanigans - I see him as more of an observer (of life, not of sexual shenanigans… he ain't no prevert!) Besides, his pale, bony old body is a pretty gruesome sight.
last edited on Feb. 19, 2012 5:26PM
at 7:10PM, Feb. 20, 2012
Don't care he's gay. If she was waving it in my face like that I'd be all over that sweet brown sugar.
at 4:43PM, Feb. 29, 2012
Some answers to comments on Page 95:
Bubbaclaw: You dont like Mr Tawt then? Well, hes gone now so we wont have to worry about him. We will never see him again except, I should say that Alan Tawts face and hair was stolen from one of the troopers who will be turning up in chapter four, so we kinda, sorta will.
Jamie59: Unfortunately Bess will be covered up throughout the next few pages she gets dressed! But, in a few pages, we will be taking a look at the apparent villain of this story, Lord Slade, and (SPOILERS)the sequence begins with a mass orgy.
Banes: I thought your comment was really funny. You are a man after my own heart (or funny bone anyway).
Bubbaclaw: You dont like Mr Tawt then? Well, hes gone now so we wont have to worry about him. We will never see him again except, I should say that Alan Tawts face and hair was stolen from one of the troopers who will be turning up in chapter four, so we kinda, sorta will.
Jamie59: Unfortunately Bess will be covered up throughout the next few pages she gets dressed! But, in a few pages, we will be taking a look at the apparent villain of this story, Lord Slade, and (SPOILERS)the sequence begins with a mass orgy.
Banes: I thought your comment was really funny. You are a man after my own heart (or funny bone anyway).
last edited on Feb. 29, 2012 4:45PM
at 6:15PM, March 7, 2012
Some answers to comments on Page 97:
gravesma: Sounds like some sort of technical issue - there should definitely be a circle at the end of the “how many have liked” with either LIKE THIS or YOU LIKE THIS in it (depends if you've already clicked on it or not). Can't help you there… me and technical issues ain't best friends.
Karm2865 and msquared43 (and all the other guys who said they liked Chloe): Cheers, but that's probably it from her now.
Prototype: I take it that you're not exactly enamoured of the larger lady!!
Bubbaclaw and El Cid: Thanks guys, but I hope you realise that the “razor sharp prose” bit was tongue in cheek - while I do think my writing is better than my pictures I am well aware that both are only just on the right side of adequate.
gravesma: Sounds like some sort of technical issue - there should definitely be a circle at the end of the “how many have liked” with either LIKE THIS or YOU LIKE THIS in it (depends if you've already clicked on it or not). Can't help you there… me and technical issues ain't best friends.
Karm2865 and msquared43 (and all the other guys who said they liked Chloe): Cheers, but that's probably it from her now.
Prototype: I take it that you're not exactly enamoured of the larger lady!!
Bubbaclaw and El Cid: Thanks guys, but I hope you realise that the “razor sharp prose” bit was tongue in cheek - while I do think my writing is better than my pictures I am well aware that both are only just on the right side of adequate.
last edited on March 7, 2012 6:17PM
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