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****Awesome samurai comic "Stray Dog and Duck"****
Logic at 10:57AM, Feb. 9, 2012
posts: 5
joined: 9-30-2009
Like Samurai's? Like Ninja's? Like the Gruesome demise of less than
formidable challengers??? Don't like all the wizardly “magic sword”
super powered glossy colorful pretty boy stuff? Want Faithful to the
core classic Feudal Japanese action with a fresh new style and LOTS of

Head over to

and get all the Bad ass samurai action you can handle!

…and if you don't like any of that, maybe you like ducks… theirs a duck in it. See, Its a win win. Tell your PETA friends…
also at:
dd_scv_01 at 7:37AM, Feb. 18, 2012
posts: 9
joined: 1-19-2012
I like ninjas and samurais and your comic. Good pacing IMO.

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