OK, it's September and it's MY turn to do the theme this time.
You have entered the O-Zone!
My theme is Mad Max.
Bellow I will post a wholelotta pics from the movies of the post apocalytic glory that is Mad Max.
There are a lot of different styles, it's not all just torn leather jackets and shotguns…
- You have facist police all in leather from the first film.
- Tina Turna in a stylish chainmail future dress with huge shoulderpads.
- MasterBlaster, the dwarf riding on the shoulders of the helmeted giant.
- Virgina Hey all dressed in white and gridiron pads.
- The War Boys from the latest film with their white torsos, black strappy trousers, army boots and black or chrome over their eyes.
- Imortan Joe with his hair and teeth mask.
- Max with long hair and a cloak.
- Children of the wilderness in tribal costume.
- Furiosa in he T-shirt, with her shaved head and prosthetic arm.
- The breeding women from the ltest film in their gauzey sexy gear.
- The wastelad women of the latest movie in their cool cloaks and goggles
and more!
The Drunk Duck Fashion Forum
DDFF September : MAD MAX
at 7:55AM, Sept. 2, 2015
last edited on Sept. 2, 2015 7:57AM
at 7:59AM, Sept. 2, 2015
last edited on Sept. 2, 2015 8:02AM
at 9:14PM, Sept. 2, 2015
last edited on Sept. 2, 2015 9:16PM
at 9:23PM, Sept. 2, 2015
at 11:38PM, Sept. 3, 2015
Growler Comix
at 3:46PM, Sept. 7, 2015
this is from an upcoming comic im working on inspired by mad max
last edited on Sept. 8, 2015 5:56AM
at 5:57AM, Sept. 8, 2015
Great! Do you have any poses with the outfits?
@Cresc- Love it man!
@Cresc- Love it man!
Growler Comix
at 5:06PM, Sept. 8, 2015
last edited on Sept. 12, 2015 8:25AM
at 8:32PM, Oct. 20, 2015
Just wanted to say what an awesome theme this was! Way to go Ozone! I also like that our themes are always open. When people are ready they can add more!
at 11:32PM, Nov. 2, 2015
Please consider voting in our Drunk Duck Fashion Forum Community Contest : #Pageant 2015. I will be tabulating scores this weekend!There is very low voting turnout right now and evening gowns has none. I know you can't vote for your own art but would love you to support our other artists.no voting gives artists zero points. But just a score of 1 already gives art 10 points. Or if you think it deserves more, go 2=25, 3=50, or 4=100.Thanks for your support! Lots more to come!http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Pageant_2015/
at 12:21AM, Dec. 22, 2015
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