Meet, Greet, Show and Sell*

Here's the deal...
phinmagic at 6:03PM, Feb. 28, 2016
posts: 165
joined: 9-26-2006

I am diligently working away on Phineus pages. I am attempting to get a buffer up. Trying to get at least an issue ahead of what's posted on the sites.

You, good Patrons of Patreon, will get to see all the Phineus pages as soon as I get them done.

In addition, as I get caught up with this venture, I will get back to Phineus: Teen Wizard, for all patrons to read.

I will also be getting back to bonus storues, that will only be available in trade paperbacks, PDFs for sale and to 2nd level patrons, as I finish them. I have to Hollow Earth related bonus stories in the hopper (my brain). I just need to get the buffer ramped up.

I am doing all this to make it worth your while to support me every month.

I appreciate all your support, and if there's anything else you'd like to see, let me know!

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