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Creative insults!
Ozoneocean at 6:20AM, March 5, 2016
posts: 29,087
joined: 1-2-2004
Creative insults are important. They really, really are. Comicers NEED them; for dialogue, for denergrating the work of our peers and counter attacking trolls… Well we don't generally do much of those last two things on this site but it's STILL important.

With that in mind we should brainstorm some creative ones, by insulting the person who posted above you (and bellow too if you like), that way it adds a competitive spice.

To begin… I have to insult myself cos there ain't no one else here.

I am a sick son of a cockwashing bastard doghumper!
last edited on March 5, 2016 9:25AM
Genejoke at 7:58AM, March 5, 2016
posts: 4,270
joined: 4-9-2010
You're a pretentious kangaroos wank stain.

No doubt the next poster will be a spectacular cockwomble.
last edited on March 5, 2016 7:59AM
Ironscarf at 8:24AM, March 5, 2016
posts: 1,957
joined: 9-9-2008
That might be true, but only a prematurely paroled purse sniffer would notice!

I wonder which cranium meltingly tedious turtle molester will post next?
last edited on March 5, 2016 8:33AM
Ozoneocean at 9:19AM, March 5, 2016
posts: 29,087
joined: 1-2-2004
Brother of an arsemonkey bellywobble dickscarf!

And thou who cometh after…

Hairy mud sucking bastard pendulous labial meatflower!
bravo1102 at 11:21AM, March 5, 2016
posts: 6,306
joined: 1-21-2008
Fuck faced, red assed, shit throwing baboon.

A total waste of human tissue.

Not worth the air to voice an insult.

Brain dead and fancy free.

You… you…YOU YOU! You're so much like yourself it's disgusting.
last edited on March 5, 2016 11:23AM
Ironscarf at 2:20PM, March 5, 2016
posts: 1,957
joined: 9-9-2008
This has turned out to be a pretty good thread, considering it was made by a semi-professional toad licker in a stolen tutu.

Are you familiar with the effluvial slime that grows atop a vat of festering weasel piss? bravo1102 is, because that's his shower gel. Oh yes it is.

Like toadzoneocean, our next poster is too mean to buy proper drugs. They prefer to get high by hanging around festival toilets and inhaling hallucinogenic farts.
last edited on March 5, 2016 2:42PM
Genejoke at 4:09PM, March 5, 2016
posts: 4,270
joined: 4-9-2010
Don't knock the power of hallucinogenic farts you pretentious prescribed drug fascist. Go inhale some of Hitler gases.

Oh look here comes another wannabe Simon cowell of the forums but half as smart and thrice as fugly. I've seen better looking hemmeroids.
last edited on March 5, 2016 4:11PM
Ozoneocean at 5:27PM, March 5, 2016
posts: 29,087
joined: 1-2-2004
Self admitted epic bumsniffer, anuspeeper, and connoisseur of haemorrhoids!

The… “individual” who posts bellow will be a nervous penis wiggling, thumb rubbing, two-handed sausage gobler!
Sway at 7:40PM, March 7, 2016
posts: 32
joined: 1-29-2015
I'd normally take offense to that, but from someone of your caliber of idiocy it just feels like a cry for attention. Watching you is like watching a dying star of sadness collapse into itself, thereby creating a black hole of such sucking stupidity that you pull the light and warmth from those around you, and leave everyone in your wake an angry, frigid shell just for knowing you.

I'm sure whoever follows this up will do their best to be edgy and shocking, but let's face it; we can't expect much better from someone who spent the first fifteen years of their lives locked in a dark attic by a family that was ashamed at the stain of humanity their bloodline had squirted out onto the carpet.
Genejoke at 3:26AM, March 8, 2016
posts: 4,270
joined: 4-9-2010
Only an intellectual inferior of Donald Trump would be more concerned about labels such as “edgy” and “Shocking” than anything of substance.

I'm trust that the cum burping waste of oxygen that posts after this will at least manage to reach such intellectual highs as the lyrics of Limp Bizkits rollin'.

KimLuster at 9:30AM, March 8, 2016
posts: 795
joined: 5-15-2012
Semen-belching somewhat works as a true denigration when one assumes the next poster would be male, but Paleolithic profiling is the least of what we should expect from such an imbecilic, juvenile hack that even toddlers could reduce to fetal prostration with their immature invectives, that is, provided he had a translator so as to comprehend them!

I’d hope the next rapier-witted wannabe can produce more than a yawn from me, but fallacious fantasies are best reserved for someone with a least a modicum of cognitive capacity. Nevertheless, a befuddled, floundering fool is certain to provide some amusement!
last edited on March 8, 2016 12:16PM
Bruno Harm at 12:08PM, March 8, 2016
posts: 122
joined: 10-18-2015
You know, the first time this guy saw dandruff, he thought it was snowing and nearly froze to death.

of course, the next brain trust here spent half an hour at the grocery store looking for Organic salt.
Ozoneocean at 7:18PM, March 8, 2016
posts: 29,087
joined: 1-2-2004
The poster above mistook Kim for a male. Mistaking women for men and men for women… It all becomes so clear now. He's obviously a copiously sweating hipster, hypersexual, hippy dippy, freaky deeky, sexfiend hopped up on cocaine and methamphetamine, exhausted after a series of pansexual gangbangs, unable to tell or care any longer about the gender of the person in front of him.

The next poster is an extremely clever, quick witted, intelligent, and highly knowledgeable person. Unfortunately they are also deeply sad and hollow inside because their vast intelligence has afforded them the keen insight to know just how little they're valued by everyone else.
MegaRdaniels at 6:14PM, March 24, 2016
posts: 356
joined: 3-18-2016
Isn't that cute! How long ago did you graduate from Pull-ups? I bet you feel accomplished.

I bet the next comment after this one would be immature and has a mouth flooded with a third grade vocabulary.
Bruno Harm at 11:49AM, March 25, 2016
posts: 122
joined: 10-18-2015
Your perfunctory play at putdowns pales in comparison to my perspicacity for casting aspersions.

while our next contestant can't read a Mcdonald's menu without moving their lips.
Ozoneocean at 1:14AM, March 27, 2016
posts: 29,087
joined: 1-2-2004
You even need to READ MacDonald's menus?
*Mike drop*

To the next person:
I know a little something about you: Your genetic make-up is indistinguishable from that of a stool sample, one of a particularly odoriferous nature.
Genejoke at 6:12AM, March 27, 2016
posts: 4,270
joined: 4-9-2010
My genetics don't need make up, they look perfect already. Of course I would have expected something predictable from some one who thinks the height of culture is brightly coloured hair and a fat ass hanging out like a melted candle.

The next person to post will no doubt be so stupid even the spell checker cannot decipher the crap they try to write.
bravo1102 at 2:11AM, March 28, 2016
posts: 6,306
joined: 1-21-2008
It often does. But at least it has some value unlike the miasma of banality you spew.

The next poster is best described as nothing. Oh not your normal nothing, but a tremendous black hole that sucks in all something and leaves nothing in its path. Whether that something is intelligence, creativity or even food, this great void sucks it all up and leaves nothing.
Ozoneocean at 7:57AM, March 28, 2016
posts: 29,087
joined: 1-2-2004
That's why the named the Ozone hole after me, I'm very proud of that!
What have they named after YOU? huh? I'll tell you what: a fart I did earlier today. A loud one!

The person who posts bellow will be a moon-calf, half-wit, cretin-faced, knock-kneed, red-headed, hot-blooded, half-cocked, butt-chuckler, worry-wart, tone-deaf, cold-footed, slippery-thighed, thin-lipped, cheap-arsed, pimple-bottomed, hairy-shouldered, silver-backed, thin-blooded, snub-nosed pip-squeek!
last edited on March 28, 2016 7:58AM
Genejoke at 9:04AM, March 28, 2016
posts: 4,270
joined: 4-9-2010
You seem to have missed the point of the thread, it says creative insults, not rattle off a bunch of hackneyed insults from yesteryear, you bandy legged horse whore. Yes I mean you are a whore horses use.

The next poster will be even worse, they will be the sorry excuse for a condom that horses use when violating human rectum. I hear they are made the most pathetic excuse for human beings. The requirements being a single figure IQ, skin so thin you can see the internal organs through it and a hairy arse for comfort.
bravo1102 at 8:24AM, March 31, 2016
posts: 6,306
joined: 1-21-2008
What is this fixation on the sexual habits of horses?

The next poster will be a pathetic little person whose greatest interest is the number of pixels it takes to portray the navel of a Kardashian on a computer screen. A glance inside this person's head will show only a few scraps of waste paper and some belly button lint.
Ozoneocean at 8:39AM, March 31, 2016
posts: 29,087
joined: 1-2-2004
Hey man, it takes a hell of a lot of concentration to draw a navel on such a perfectly smooth, airbrushed to hell and back caked on made-up body. Which you'd know if you were a quarter of the amazing artist that I am…

The next person is a Trump voter.
WolfCat at 8:53AM, March 31, 2016
posts: 9
joined: 3-30-2016
Everyone knows that with the variety of resolutions available to modern PC navel gazers that the Kardashian's pixel to navel size is impossible to determine. >_>

Edit: Trumped by a Trump related insult. D:

The next poster is a disembodied cow-pox infested udder trapped within the fetid rectum of a starving jackal bald, scabbed and bleeding with parasites and mange.
last edited on March 31, 2016 8:54AM
bravo1102 at 9:16AM, March 31, 2016
posts: 6,306
joined: 1-21-2008
No that's just my pet chupacabra.

Which the next poster actually thinks is real because they have the critical thinking skills of a broken toaster and smell like rancid mayonnaise spred on burnt toast.
last edited on March 31, 2016 9:18AM
Ozoneocean at 9:36AM, March 31, 2016
posts: 29,087
joined: 1-2-2004
No that's just my pet chupacabra.
I really should bury that thing, before Bravo tries to steal it and have sex with it again. :(

The next person treats public masturbation as a competitive sport.
WolfCat at 9:48AM, March 31, 2016
posts: 9
joined: 3-30-2016
A sport that I won of course.

The next poster craves Bravo's sloppy seconds with the undead chupacabra before it's buried for good.
last edited on March 31, 2016 9:49AM
bravo1102 at 10:49AM, March 31, 2016
posts: 6,306
joined: 1-21-2008
And again we have two people showing a very unhealthy fascination with bestilality. Especially with a nonexistent animal.

This is only a slight indication of the menial maturity, sense and intelligence of the next (and past) posters.
last edited on March 31, 2016 10:51AM
Bruno Harm at 2:17PM, March 31, 2016
posts: 122
joined: 10-18-2015
You are the OMEGA FART! The ender of worlds! I have smelled you coming since the beginning. I do not weep for the world's demise. My eyes are just burning in the oncoming vapors.

My only solace will be in watching this next poster die and be saved from their inane ramblings.
Ozoneocean at 4:52PM, March 31, 2016
posts: 29,087
joined: 1-2-2004
He who smelt it dealt it ;)

The next contributor has so many genital lice their crotch looks prematurely white. The writhing mass of crabs are so disgusting that they vomit on themselves whenever they see it while taking a pee or having a shower.
bravo1102 at 5:26AM, April 4, 2016
posts: 6,306
joined: 1-21-2008
Really that is too much information. They make stuff to take care of that. It's not hard, but you have follow the directions.

As for you, we'll you can't follow directions, listen or make a bread sandwich (directions : take two slices of bread. You're done) Even with your fingers you can't count past one. Your attention span is so short you lose track. If you died tomorrow the average intelligence of this place would increase exponentially.

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