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The newest Tag Forester story, "Pepper Pot"
rickrudge at 10:17AM, May 14, 2022
posts: 128
joined: 10-3-2019
Hello again,

I’ve got another Tag Forester comic story posting, “Pepper Pot”. This one is rated “A” for adults and has sex, violence and drug use but in appropriate adult quantities. It’s not Office Safe obviously. This sort of takes off where “The Bugaboos” leaves off.

Like most of Tag’s story titles, it’s based on old gangster slang. Pepper Pot is what they called a vintage revolver that resembled a pepper shaker. There’s also a Caribbean spicy stew and Ironman’s red-haired wife. Finally there’s also an assertive, sharp-tongued, feisty and peppery woman; which describes Tag’s ex-girlfriend, Yoss to a “T”.

You can find the posted pages of “Pepper Pot” here:

I hope that you enjoy it.

— Rick Rudge

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