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The newest Drako the Barbarian story, “To Strive For Height”
rickrudge at 10:33AM, July 27, 2022
posts: 128
joined: 10-3-2019
I’m just beginning another Drako the Barbarian story, “To Strive For Height”. This is rated “A” for adults and contains sex, violence, nudity and drug use and is not office safe. It can be found here:

To strive for height is another Samurai fencing technique from Miyamoto Musashi in his writings, “The Book of Five Rings”. This says:

“To strive for height is meant when you close with the enemy, to strive with him for superior height without cringing. Stretch your legs, stretch you hips, and stretch your neck face to face with him. When you think you have won, and you are the higher, thrust in strongly. You must learn this.”

— Rick Rudge

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