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A New Tag Forester Comix Story, “Sneaky Links”
rickrudge at 7:47AM, June 2, 2023
posts: 128
joined: 10-3-2019
Hi everyone,

I’ve just started posting a new Tag Forester story called “Sneaky Links”. With a name like that, you know that this story is rated “A” for Adults and contains sex, nudity, drug use, violence and isn’t office safe. The story can be found here:

Most of my Tag Forester titles are from old gangster slangs from the 1920s to the 1950s. I think that this is the first title using a modern slang. If you didn’t know, sneaky links is a secretive hook-up or friends-with-benefits relationship that’s on the down low. I hope that you enjoy it.

– Rick Rudge

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