Anyone here joined this new artists portfolio/blog platform Cara yet? About page and Home page if you haven't seen it.
It's still in Beta, but seems to be picking up a lot of Instagram users, thanks to Meta's AI policies. I was able to opt out of being used for AI training purposes across all Meta platforms (not a tick box - you literally have to send your written objections for validation) but that doesn't seem to be an option in some countries, including the US.
Could be the next big thing or might amount to nothing, but probably worth pitching your username there just in case. If you decide to sign up I'll give you a follow back.
It would be churlish to post this without paying tribute to the original Cara, sadly no longer with us, but she will live forever in our hearts, thanks to her unique ability to light up the sky with her name.
Goodnight Irene, goodnight Irene, I'll see you in my dreams.
Comic Talk and General Discussion *
Cara (not Irene)
at 10:05AM, June 4, 2024
You lost me at “Not Irene.” Such a shame. Such a big voice from such a small woman.
at 10:41AM, June 4, 2024
J_Scarbrough wrote:
You lost me at “Not Irene.” Such a shame. Such a big voice from such a small woman.
Such a warm and heartfelt delivery too. She could have gone on to greater things had her career not been sidelined by contractual battles. The music industry might be even dodgier than the comics industry.
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