In order of receipt!
DreamGazer's comic Just My Luck has ended, with 139 pages. Let's hope DreamGazer starts a new project!
MegamanEXE's 300th comic occurred on the 14th!
8-Bit Life has hit 25 pages!
The comic Xolta reached 50 pages! (Note, rated A.) to celebrate, he'll also be collecting any fan art at arteestx (at and posting that artwork!
Commander_Chaos says that Bowser's Plan B has reached 100 pages!
Karen the Marilith is 75 pages long as of Thursday!
Sonic Bluff has just reached 100 pages!
Company Man turned 400 strips old on Tuesday! (And creator ToonmanAZ notes that the crew doesn't look a day over 20…)
Part threed coming soon!
Newspost part the twoth
skoolmunkee at 1:02PM, Aug. 15, 2007
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