Hey guys I'm gonna be gone for three weeks so send news items to Black_Kitty or ozoneocean or SpANG, allright?
Man, what I wouldn't give for an automatic sort of submission news thing! Then I could just click and be all, yes, yes, no, yes, HELL no, hmm okay…
Blackout Drunk from AxCreations has hit 50 pages! And to celebrate, they've posted a Where's Waldo 2-page spread filled with pop culture cameos! Sounds fun, guys!
Nadya by D0m has reached 25 pages!
Die-hard DDer kyupol's new comic MAG-ISA (Tagalog for “to be alone”) has reached 25 pages, too!
Also reaching 25 is Zheror's Happiness and Depression! Zheror also tells me he had a comic called VGMania that was accidentally deleted after he hit 50 - not sure what that has to do with it, but hey, while I was here… Maybe it's some sort of… GHOST milestone!
SAH's Die Hard Laughing and Let's Talk Business are both hitting stri #25 this Wednesday!
Murdoch's The Revolution Experiment will be hitting 25 pages this week too!
Not to mention, Wu War by Signz has also just reached 25!
Phew, lots of 25-ers this time around. Let's give them a hand! :) (It's like a baby boom of webcomics or something…)
The ECS Strips by EvilCowSlayer (is there a market for that?) has reached its 100th strip, and has celebrated by putting up a Flash!
Ryan McLelland tells me that Philly turns 75 on Tuesday, and is also launching its third issue!
Although the comic penis (they are rather comic aren't they?) will be ending shortly, it did just hit a milestone- 175!
A somewhat different milestone announcement, fuzzyrobot's Yamete Kudasai has hit 100 pages, and in honor of that, there is a 100-panel special mini-story going on… it will carry on until the 31st, updated every day, so check it out!
Priceman (of Silvershot) is having a contest! All you colorists, the winner will get rewarded with a fan art of any character they choose, and a cameo appearance in a Silvershot page!

Stephen King's new book is terrible
skoolmunkee at 12:43PM, Oct. 15, 2007

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