humorman's comic humor has reached 25 pages, and the author would like everyone to know that he's having a contest to celebrate! Apparently his comic already spreads joy but a contest will spread even more joyousness. So, go visit the comic and enter the contest!
Cricket's Creature by patrickdevine has reached 50 pages! Great job!
Also at 50 pages is Making Comics Studios' strip Uncle Doug, which has updated with a special full comic book sized page!
Coveinant's Coveinant Journey (which has been in the top 1000 for about four months, he tells me) will reach 100 pages early this week! Congrats!
Used Books by usedbooks is going to be 1 year old on Sunday! usedbooks is also proud that she hasn't missed a single daily update all year (“and, um, the story is good too. ^_^”)
soonmmeDon't be too hard on yourself, you've only got 25 pages so far :O
My comic A PoKeMoN comic that everyone will ignore even though the author puts way more work into it than some other very popular PoKeMoN comics that get over nine thousand views on days they DONT update What the hell Will reach 25 pages this Sunday! :o
New stuff going on in the Networking and Community forum! There are now several 'On Demand' threads where people can advertise their skills and services, and basically get on a list of people with various skills who are willing to offer their assistance on a voluntary and/or paid basis! For example, someone who is looking to write sci-fi stories can put themselves on the Writers on Demand list, and then if an artist comes along and wants someone to write a sci-fi story for them… tada! These aren't Help Wanted threads though- these are the threads where the Help Wanted people should check first. :) So, there's Writers On Demand, Artists on Demand, and Audio On Demand! Check them out and advertise yourself for free! These aren't just for comics either- it can be for any creative project! Eventually the scope of these threads may extend on to other artistic and creative sites, so come get yer pancakes while they're hot! (Did that metaphor make any sense?)