Hey all, some of the bugs resulting from the server move have been fixed!
So, thumbnails work again. Everyone should be able to upload a thumbnail for their comic now.
People can now edit their comic page to replace it with a new image too (like fixing a typo, etc.)
What else got fixed…? Oh yes, the tutorials are back. They disappeared for a while, but they are there now.
And, I can feature comics again! Except I'm going on vacation Tuesday so I'm going to leave that up to the other admins.
Unfortunately, the PQs problem isn't fixed yet. Some people have got a negative number of PQs (I have -37, what do I win?) and if so, they also can't delete unwanted PQs, and don't get a confirmation when sending one out (although they do send). We are consistently bothering whoever we can to fix this, hopefully we will have an ETA soon.
Also unfortunately, there are a small number of people who all created a new comic between the 9th and 19th of September who are no longer able to upload pages because of some setting somewhere that the programmers have to find. I've passed your names and comics on to Platinum, hopefully we will see some resolution soon. If you haven't already contacted me if this is happening to you, then if you send me a PQ, I can send your name on to Platinum too.
Waiting sucks, I'm sorry.
And just a reminder, there is now a file size limit on page uploads. It's somewhere between 1.5mb and 3mb, we don't know the exact cutoff point. However, if you are just uploading an image file and it's more than 1mb, it's too big to be sensible, try another format or more jpg compression or something. Downloading big images makes people grumpy.
Hey all, some of the bugs resulting from the server move have been fixed!
skoolmunkee at 3:18PM, Oct. 2, 2008
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