Just a reminder, if you sent me a newspost item and don't see it here (except phinmagic), it's been lost in the server move and I need it again. :)
Also, I'm sorry if some people have sent me PQs and aren't getting replies, my PQ box is acting weird (-10 messages?) and I'm not entirely sure my replies are actually being sent…
Grin 'n Spirit reached 300 comics on Monday! Congrats, ghostrunner!
not_too_shabby's comic The Bend reached 100 pages on Saturday! (And then again on Monday, because everything from Saturday went poof.) So double congrats!She says she has ‘plenty more where that came from. Really. Plenty.’ (Is that a threat?) (Sorry I said you were a he at first! Habit…)
Who else has reached 100 pages? The Villain Next Door!
The Villain Next Door has reached 100 pages and is starting book 4. The conclusion of Galaxy Ghost makes up this issue. This story has been spread out through 2 books, now it is all going to come to a drag out kick ass issue with pure action!
Mustn't forget Crossing Death by BlkKnight, that reached 100 pages on Monday too!
Arachnid Goddess (rated A) by Chernobog, has reached 50 pages! (Again, technically twice!)
seedyk's Seedy K has also hit 50 pages! That's a lot of stripping! (seedy… stripping…)