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Contest, interviews, and more!

skoolmunkee at 1:24AM, Aug. 3, 2009

Dreamwalkers by Graphictruth reaches 50 pages today! He adds that it is also a chapter wrap-up!

SonicEdge7's Dis Reality has also reached the 50 page mile marker!

We've got a contest, people! Fly Hue of Triple Torture is launching a monthly contest. View the 3T Forums to win your comic its own coloring book full of fan art!

Another interview is up! This time around, Hunchdebunch interviews Gillespie of Bacon Strips:

11. You started Bacon Strips back in March. How do you feel it has progressed since then? Do you feel it has changed or improved?

If you look at page 1, and then page 150, there is a great change. Actual panels, no stick figures, colored backgrounds, it's been gaining readership and climbing the ranks, except I update DAILY, and I make super sized comics, which means I don't always get to update until a few or so hours before Midnight, which makes it tough sometimes, but I prefer daily updates with a story that isn't ongoing. Why? So that the reader doesn't have to read a bunch of other pages to understand what's going on. They can just jump in and have a laugh.

For those wondering how THEY can get involved in interviews- I pair people up as they sign up, no more waiting for 10 people- see this forum thread!



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