It's 1889, barely a year after the mysterious Jack the Ripper's murderous rampage and equally mysterious disappearance the city of Mansfordshire, England is shaken by a series of brutal “mangling” murders that plunge the city into an abyss of fear.
The Continentals is a gorgeously funky Victorian crime thriller with a touch of TV's The Avengers or Department S. Brought to us by the same team as G.A.A.K., Darryl Hughes's writing is slyly humorous and artist Monique MacNaughton has produced some breathtakingly detailed black and white art.
Get in early for this treat and start reading
The Continentals! Rated T+
It even begins with a lengthy prologue showcasing the making of the comic so far.
THURSDAY'S FEATURE --> The Continentals
Ozoneocean at 10:58PM, Dec. 9, 2009
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