Mafia XII signups are ON! Salsa is running it this time, and needs “a whole mess” of players- so I'm sure 5, 10, 15, or even 20 more people would be welcome. It looks like quite a mashup of myths, with mages, alchemists, valkyries and death machines. What is Mafia, you ask? It's a game where you're not quite sure who anyone is, and whose side they're on… until they're dead. Great fun and easy to play!
Drunk Duck Fusion 23 is finished! This community projects involves passing along one panel to the next participant, so you never know quite where the story is going to go- like Telephone for comics! Check out the most recent round!
Kristen Gudsnuk is holding a fanart contest for her lovely comic, The Optimist! What are you waiting for? She says,
Kristen Gudsnuk
Anyway, it's a very free-love, open-minded kind of contest, and has a $monetary prize$ of ten whole dollars for first place, along with scads of other prizes too various and wonderful to list here!
I posted information about it in the forums here.
Milestones time? I think so!
Just a quick note- I accidentally deleted a PQ for someone whose milestone was coming later, but can't remember who… so if you sent me one (I still have Karthara's and Graphictruth's) then please resend it! Sorry!
Karen the Marilith by Azaeziel hits 175 pages today!
crazyduck's Crazy Duck has recently reached 375!
On Tuesday, National Dex by the lovely lucky7s76 reached 100 pages!
Hitting 25 is jactinglim's Jac Strips for You!
The Wrong Hero by Fenn "is hitting the big 75 on Friday the 24th. I when I say big, I mean it! It is 5 times larger than my normal strip. 5 times, I say!! Damn near killed me…"