Wilson Kane Is a dashing swash buckler, bringing to mind the Dread Pirate Roberts from the Princess Bride. He's about to have a spot of girl trouble. Castalia is a sword wielding young woman of spirit and vigor, she'd rather be working at a forge than learning Latin or taking cooking lessons. She's about to have a spot of boy trouble.
The Pirate Balthasar is an action comedy story comic by dedasaur, featuring pirates on the high seas, fantastic sword fighting and a quintuplet of buxom wenches! Rated E- The art is fluid and very reminiscent of Disney, full colour in the early promo pages, changes to sketchy later on, and very pro looking work throughout!
Read The Pirate Balthasar
Don't forget to listen to last week's Quackcast to hear Skool and I discuss last week's featured comics! http://podcast.drunkduck.com/
THURSDAY'S FEATURE --> The Pirate Balthasar
Ozoneocean at 12:58AM, Dec. 16, 2010
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