Poor Sam… She's a bit of a scruffy gal, but she's got a good heart. Why can't she get a girlfriend (who isn't insane)? You see, Sam's… *ahem* “ladyparts” are rather too loquacious! It has an opinion on EVERYTHING, and most of all it doesn't care if it makes her life hell. Sam's everyday life, dealing with her socially sabotaging, overly vocal vajayjay!
Loose Lips is a black and white comedy comic strip, touching on things that definitely aren't for the young'ns. Quite funny, very cheeky, but not as naughty as you'd think, so don't you worry! By Avie, Rated M.
Read Loose Lips
Don't forget to listen to last week's Quackcast to hear Skool and I discuss last week's featured comics! http://podcast.drunkduck.com/
Ozoneocean at 8:53AM, Dec. 23, 2010
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