Hey folks! JustNoPoint is starting up the Drunk Duck Awards, a community ‘project’ where we all get to vote for our favorite comics in various categories! He's running the show this year, and it's a lot of work- so he'll be asking for various sorts of help soon! There's all kinds of things to help with- last year people helped sort categories, make ‘presentation’ comics, judge finalists, and a bunch of other stuff. So! Keep it in mind! And the DD Awards have their own forum, which is a great place to go if you want to keep current with all the developments!
Arachnid Goddess by Chernobog has reached 300 pages!
Stickfodder's STICKFODDER had its 375th update on Thursday!
The Silver Eye by lostie815 has passed 50 pages!
And on Saturday, Crazy Duck (by crazyduck) reached 400 strips!
Milestones, and the DD Awards are coming again!
skoolmunkee at 1:34PM, June 6, 2010
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