How about a nice Heroes Alliance soup? Does 75 pages sound tempting? A special from Abt_Nihil! It has many special ingredients!
A.D. 1997 is all the rage in salads this season, also prepared by chef Abt_Nihil. He has prepared 175 pages, so there is lots to go around! So fresh it's from the future! The um… future 1997!
Wait, does the soup come before the salad or after? Um… I don't know! Also, what are all these extra forks and spoons for?! Oh wait it's a buffet, who cares. The tone of this newspost is all wrong!
Pig out on usedbooks's Gelotology, who cares if it's dessert, you don't have to eat in order! Be sure and take extra portions! There's 100 pages of it just sitting there waiting to be consumed! (Also, it's approaching its 2nd anniversary, so don't take any with funny fuzz on them.)
DaWaterRat has just made 50 pages of Muse of a Knight, so as long as that family that hovers around the crab legs and steals all of them doesn't come over, there should be plenty for everyone! Oh no they are getting up, hurry!
Un Re Stop Comics is over there between the cheesy cauliflower, the mashed potatoes, and the mac and cheese- what is it doing there? At 50 pages, lagoticspy's preparation clearly belongs on another island altogether!
Any resemblance to actual buffets real or fictional is entirely unintentional because no way have I been in a buffet never uh-uh
Okay sometimes at big family get-togethers
It's a veritable buffet of news!
skoolmunkee at 2:16PM, Oct. 12, 2010
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