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QUACKCAST Episode 22 - Special Interview with ShadowsMyst: Mistress of Marketing

Ozoneocean at 9:24AM, April 12, 2011

Episode 22 - Special Interview with ShadowsMyst, Mistress of Marketing

This time Skool and I get to talk to a REAL expert! -ShadowsMyst (of Brymstone and Shifters Redux). She gives us her expertise on Marketing webcomics, which she knows very well indeed since marketing's what she does for a living and she's been webcomicing since 1998! O_o
You MUST listen to this QuackCast- the power of ShadowsMyst compels you!

Topics and Show Notes:

Featured Comic:
Fantastic Tales
Only one this week because of our DD probs.

Interview topics:
- About ShadowsMyst, her history in webcomics and in the marketing field
- How did ShadowsMyst develop her marketing skills
- What can be achieved with good marketing
- What makes a successful webcomic
- Which elements are more important
- Figuring out a comic's potential audience
- Determining how ‘marketable’ a comic is
- Long-form story comics vs. short gag-a-day ones
- When to start advertising
- What makes a successful ad
- Avenues for advertising
- Lots of examples, tips and techniques

And more!

Related links:
ShadowsMyst's comic advertising workshop -

Metrics tracking with ComicRank - (hard to get onto)

ShadowsMyst's comics:
Brymstone -
Shifters Redux -



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