I hope you guys are listening to the entries and voting for cast members in the Drunk Duck Radio Play 2011! There's loads of entries (some of them REALLY hilarious) and it's up to YOU to decide who gets the top spots! There's not NEARLY enough votes!
And if you want a little bit MORE involvement, why not participate with some DD Radio Play Artwork and help people illustrate the story? Anyone can participate with these two stages, so come on and be part of this great new community project!
Banes is proud to announce that his comic Typical Strange has reached 50 pages! Actually I'm not sure if he's proud or not, but you know, I'm guessing. If I had 50 pages I'd be proud!
hyperactive comics is announcing that Hyperactive Comics will post its 350th page on Saturday! I suspect that the site freeze/changeover might interfere with that, but still- watch out for it!
And because I've just bumped it down (sorry!) don't miss Thursday's featured comic, DANGERMOTH!
Young Lily LaCroix has a lot to live up to… her mother and idol was amazingly beautiful, a singer with a divine voice, a perfect performer and dancer, and an assassin. Leaving France, her homeland, Lilly finds her way down-under to a far red and dusty land. On the eve of war, tensions are high, the city is dangerous and hard. Lilly becomes a cabaret and burlesque performer to get by, but bigger things are to come… DANGERMOTH is sexy heroine, who with her partner Captain Dashing, work to keep the streets safe. Soon their paths will cross and interesting things will happen!
Colourful, sexy art, and dramatic, flowing writing!
By Baby Doll Daily, aka Noele D Reves Rated M.
-this one hasn't updated much but I waited years to feature it so here it is!
DD Radio Play needs your votes (and art!), milestones, and don't miss DANGERMOTH!
skoolmunkee at 5:25AM, June 30, 2011
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