Episode 16 - Take One Whole Mess of Comic Creators, Add A Project
Ozoneocean and Skoolmunkee describe some past and present community projects, talk about how great they are to do, describe some quick methods for managing them and keeping them going, as well as encouraging more people to participate in them. Plus, we have three guest speakers!
*Send us stuff about community projects! As mp3 or scripts that we can read for you.
* Announcement for Genejoke and Electro's Cubicle fanart competition. http://www.drunkduck.com/Cubicle
* Featured Comic: Mystery Babylon
* Featured Comic: Modest Medusa
* Featured Comic: FAIL
* Featured Comic: The Revolutionary Times
Community Project stuff!
* Networking and community project forum
* Heroes Alliance -
* Lite Bites -
* Mafia -
*Ozone reads out Harkovast's Mafia script with an embarrassing “English” accent.
* Skoolmunkee gives an intro into the community project theme.
* Ozone talks about some short term community projects from the past.
* Skoolmunkee talks discusses various collabs that happened in cycles and rounds and then goes on to talk about Contributions and collections.
* Ozone goes on about competitions and Vote Offs, mispronouncing “Ayesinback” and mentioning Fightplosion.
* Skoolmunkee tells us about large scale community projects and general community project ideas.
* Ozone and Skoolmunkee talk about strategies for keeping projects going and managing things.
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QUACKCAST Episode 16 - Take One Whole Mess of Comic Creators, Add A Project
Ozoneocean at 4:15AM, March 1, 2011
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