Listen to Quackcast Episode 18: Featuring… Featuring!
Some site news promoting various activities, Oz and Skool get some practice with their silly accents and get on with a whole show about features, featuring, and wish-features.
Topics and Show Notes:
Site news!
- QuackCast Tutorials
- DD member interviews
- Call for announcements
- DD design updates and tech blog
- a few other minor things
- Checkout Oz's latest page of latest Pinky TA
Paint Force Assemble
- Oz read's I Am the 1337 Master's script in his best American accent (which is hilarious). Also it's a community project you should join!
Featured Comics
- Wanted Dead or Dead
(The) Quacking
- Oz and Skool are silly and read a script by oz featuring Duck and Quail! This time Skool does the silly accent.
About Featuring
- What are featured comics?
- Why do we do them?
- The “criteria” and being objective?
- The history of featuring?
- Finding and suggesting comics?
- Multiple comics or features?
- Choosing the order/working in advance?
- What's more important?
- Progress over time, filler art, etc.?
Mentioned thread: Early feature, a boon or a curse?
Skool and Oz's “Wish I Could Features”
- Bombshell
- Emily England
- XTIN The Dragon's Dream World (rated A)
* Note that Skool got the name wrong in the QuackCast, it's XTIN and not YTIN! (Sorry!)
- Potpourri of Lascivious Whimsy / Zandars Saga (rated A)
- Busty Solar (rated A)
- Bouncing Orbs of Beauty (rated A)
- Grind
There's no tutorial for this week's Quackcast- instead, more detailed information about the featuring process is in this thread:
How does a comic get featured?
QUACKCAST Episode 18 - Featuring... Featuring!
Ozoneocean at 9:50AM, March 15, 2011
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