Now is the turn of Theora to shine bright! Also known as Rebbecca Burgess, Theorah is a frequent contributor to our Quackcasts as well as helpful posts in the forums about techniques, webcomicing in general and making the move over to printed work… She’s also amazingly talented and has been featured many times for her high quality work.
Kam says:
"Hi The KAMics reaches 1,225 pages on Wednesday, November 2.
Have a nice day, KAM"
Don't worry KAM, we will! Congrats on the massive milestone!
Grin 'n Spirit has reached 1050 pages! Ghostrunner says:
"I've been asked to stop, I've been begged to stop, but the day I stop will be the day the ghost hunters start investigating me" :D
…I wonder what the investigators will find?
As you may have guessed, Skool is gone for a while, away on a happy holiday, so send your news posts to me, Ozoneocean, till Skool manages to escape… I mean, till she gets back from her "holiday"…
Skool's out for Summer! Skool's out forever!
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Nov. 2, 2011
©2011 WOWIO, Inc. All Rights Reserved Mastodon
ayesinback at 5:40AM, Nov. 15, 2011
Very happy to see you "spotted", theorah. Maybe in 2012 You will end in a voice recording . . . :D
Scorpion451 at 7:31AM, Nov. 7, 2011
In case Skool should get the chance to access a computer: The trick to getting out of the straightjacket is rolling your shoulders! If you can get one just enough out of socket to pull an arm out of the sleeve, the rest is just getting the drop on a nurse who wears your size of clothes! XD
theorah at 2:17PM, Nov. 3, 2011
No way! I never imagined I get a spotlight, since I havent had time to comment in the forums/on podcasts for a while! ;_; Aw, thank you so much ^__^ I really appreciate it, since I really like drunkduck because of its community-centred approach :D
rokulily at 4:46PM, Nov. 2, 2011
agreed. verily
Genejoke at 6:07AM, Nov. 2, 2011