Ayesinback suggested this fine upstanding paragon of everything that is wonderful about DD and I heartily agree with her!
Gullas participated in both years of the radio contest, he performed as a DD award judge, he’s a staple of the mafia game, a comic-creator, a contributor to Quackcasts and forum discussions. This resident of icy, remote Reykjavik is kind, funny in a sweet but non-saccharine way and very supportive to many community projects. He even pitched the DD awards in his own comic! DD loves you Gullas.
DD 2011 Secret Santa!
Rokulily is running it this year and this is what she says:
"It's that time of year again- where we fling presents around in wild abandon, eat large amounts of everything, and act like general crazy people… well crazier. and what better way to start out this crazy time period then witha secret santa!"
step one- sign up! tell us what you want a picture of- weather it be characters from your comic doing wacky antics to holiday type cheer to just about anything. and if you don't know what you want sign up anyway and be pleasantly surprised with whatever it is you get
step two- you will receive your secret santa chosen randomly by December 4th. complete it and upload to the ‘gift thread’ that will be made later by the 25th. remember that there is a deadline and everyone will anxiously be awaiting their pictures!
step three- feel the love! remember to thank your santas!
If you are feeling extra generous, you may sign up to fulfil requests by deadbeat members who did not complete step 2 (i.e. Deadbeat Watch Committee or DWC). Please specify when signing up if you'd like to participate in that end.
november 15- december 3rd: sign up!
december 4th- december 25th: complete your assigned request
december 26th- january 2nd: DBW ‘saving the day’
The Drunk Duck Awards!
And don't forget the 2011 DD comic awards! They're still going on!
- http://www.drunkduck.com/Drunk_Duck_Awards_2011/
-And People, Skoolmunkee is back from her hols now so send her in all your tasty, juicy, newsy titbits!
—-OKAY this is skoolmunkee amending ozoneocean's newspost because I have some news too!—-
Hawk's Culture Shock has reached its tenth anniversary and to celebrate that, he's having a contest! The details are on his comic page (which I just linked). It's an art contest with prizes for the top ten entries - prizes like art from Hawk, copies of one of the DD books, and even a cameo in the comic!
Gullas in the Spotlight, 2011 DD Secret Santa, Culture Shock contest!
Ozoneocean at 12:31AM, Nov. 16, 2011
©2011 WOWIO, Inc. All Rights Reserved Mastodon
gullas at 3:15AM, Nov. 26, 2011
word up PP
Product Placement at 5:42PM, Nov. 17, 2011
Iceland represent!
gullas at 5:07PM, Nov. 17, 2011
Woa.. guess I better thank all of you guys :) I'm honored/flattered :D!
Prototype at 5:40AM, Nov. 17, 2011
Hurray for Gullas! :D
ayesinback at 10:56AM, Nov. 16, 2011
YAY *does a little dance*