WWE The Comic by Walrus hit 400 pages on Thursday!
And on Saturday, hyperactive comic's Hyperactive Comics celebrates 5 years on the Duck!
and from bravo1102,
I have not been paying attention to any milestones for Mask of the Aryans. It doesn't help that the total number of pages isn't listed anywhere big enough for a dope like me to see.
And now it's hitting 150! The comic is also entering the big climactic battle with the queen leading a rebellion of the slaves and the unbrainwashed against the King of the Aryans. Topless gladitors, 101st Ariborne and evil Soviet Commies in desperate battle.
It's even a finalist for Best Photo Comic in the 2011 DD awards.
WWE The Comic, Hyperactive Comics, and Mask of the Aryans
skoolmunkee at 4:00AM, Oct. 21, 2011
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