from ozoneocean,
This week Nicky P gets the spotlight! You may recall Nicky from his magnificent staring role as Maxwell McDuff in the DD radio play, it was a fantastic performance, the man is an actor extraordinaire!
Nicky P is an enthusiastic participant in community activities (including the DD radio play comic), even though he’s only been with us for such a short time. Hooray for Nicky P!
The DD Awards are wrapping up the judging, but they need some emergency presenters! Niccea isn't sure quite how many they'll need, but she'd rather have some on standby than not enough. :] So! LAST CALL for volunteering! Doing a presentation comic for the DD Awards is a great way to get a little exposure for yourself, and to contribute to a true community effort! Send Niccea a PQ if you'd like to help! They accept extras for the awards and acceptance speeches made ahead of time!
A Deviant Mind, the epic sci-fi webcomic by houseofmuses, has reached 150 pages! Keep em coming!
NickyP, DD Awards volunteers STILL NEEDED! and A Deviant Mind is 150!
skoolmunkee at 5:03AM, Oct. 26, 2011
©2011 WOWIO, Inc. All Rights Reserved Mastodon
Ozoneocean at 12:06AM, Oct. 27, 2011
Thank you Nicky- I hoped you might like it :)
FormerDDer at 11:58PM, Oct. 26, 2011
Also, that banner you made for me is pretty snazzy. I think I'll save it for future use at some point~!
FormerDDer at 10:08PM, Oct. 26, 2011
What the hell?! When did this happen? Wow, thanks! :D
houseofmuses at 8:11AM, Oct. 26, 2011
I sure will keep 'em coming! And for some reason, A Deviant Mind has been nominated in the 2011 Comic Awards for Best Comic! Check it out and let me know what YOU think! Thanks, Skoolmunkee!!
Niccea at 5:47AM, Oct. 26, 2011
Also, please let me know how to contact you back. I know that everyone is not OCD like me and checking their inbox every 5 seconds.
ayesinback at 5:17AM, Oct. 26, 2011
Well played, NickyP! *the Czarina is most pleased**