theJimmy has posted the 1000th page of his comic Been Better! That's a huge achievement! He's been on DD over 5 years and he's posted a “thank you” video to his DD readers!
Hyperactive Comics by hyperactive comics turns 6 years old this week! Let the party begin!
And Bittertea is back to update us with some news:
A long time ago I was posting my heart'n soul in webcomics like Scorch and Reign of Adeodatus on here until I got swept up by the industry. Thanks to DD, I think that lent itself to my work getting seen. So if it's worthy of mention here on my old stomping grounds, i09 released an article about my book that's coming out next month!
It looks amazing Bittertea! Congratulations!
Been Better, Hyperactive Comics, Bittertea in print!
skoolmunkee at 1:11AM, Oct. 16, 2012
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