In exchange for his family's safety, Richard Olsen has given his soul to a heartless Demi. His only chance for freedom lies in letting her write a song about his life. Too bad Richard is surly and uncooperative… probably because his whole purpose in life is to kill Demis. He doesn't really want to be a hero- what he really wants is to kill the manic animal-child Demi who is both scary and annoying, and will cause his entire family to die if he doesn't play along. (Not only is he uncooperative, he's pretty terrible at being a hero.)
By CornTown, rated T
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skoolmunkee at 12:01AM, Aug. 14, 2013
©2011 WOWIO, Inc. All Rights Reserved Mastodon
CornTown at 2:16PM, Aug. 14, 2013
Wow. I did not except this. All I can say is that feel very honored. Thank you and I hope you guys enjoy the story.
KimLuster at 4:29AM, Aug. 14, 2013
I caught this comic close the beginning. It's a good one! Great Action and some pretty serious drama, but Richard's new Demi companion can also be hilarious at times (in an alien, casually cruel sort of way haha). Worth a look...