With ozoneocean away having fun this week, it falls to Banes and skoolmunkee to pick up the slack! Our chosen topic is “Challenges” - those longer-term thematic projects you see around, meant to get you off your drawing/writing duff and doing stuff that makes you better. They can be fun though! From the simple DeviantArt meme sheet to the gruelling Pokemonathon, we mention all kinds (although I'm not sure we mention sixty different ones…) for drawing, writing, and even a few for comic-making. Some are more famous than others, and some you might even just make up on your own! We do agree it's more fun to do them with other people, though. Don't forget you can find lots/get good ideas by searching for a likely challenge and adding ‘tumblr’ to the search.
Featured comic
My Friend Fear the Monster - http://www.drunkduck.com/My_Friend_Fear_the_Monster/
There's no way we can include links to all the things we mention, so here are some of the more notable ones!
A sampling of DeviantArt art memes: http://karlmac.com/2011/09/top-10-deviantart-memes-that-will-improve-your-drawing-skills/
Monster Girls: http://fuckyeahmonstergirls.tumblr.com
Yuko Ota and Ananth's Exquisite Beast: http://exquisitebeast.tumblr.com/
Dave Shabet's 3-Color Critters: http://3colorcritters.tumblr.com/
The Pokemonathon: http://pkmnathon.tumblr.com/
Photo Challenge UK: http://www.photo-challenge.co.uk/
Story idea generator: http://www.seventhsanctum.com/
Example 30-day creative writing challenge: http://mycreativewritingchallenge.tumblr.com/post/16858313832/30-day-creative-writing-challenge
Nedroid's 200 Bad Comics: http://www.nedroid.com/bcpage1.html
Kate Beaton's book cover comics: http://www.harkavagrant.com/index.php?id=242
Episode 124 - 60 Challenges in 60 Minutes
skoolmunkee at 12:05AM, May 7, 2013
©2011 WOWIO, Inc. All Rights Reserved Mastodon
Ozoneocean at 11:33AM, May 7, 2013
Can't wait to listen!!!!