Thank you to everyone for voting - finalists for the 2014 Drunk Duck Awards have been announced!
From Niccea:
"The finalists have been announced. Congratulations to them all!
The assignment messages have gone out to all volunteers now. If you signed up to volunteer, please check your PQ box.
We still have 12 homeless categories for presentations and 5 for judging. Check out the list in the volunteer thread.
The awards comic will be going into hibernation mode until September 15th when the winners will be announced. However, between now and then extras are always encouraged to keep the comic's energy going. What is it like on the red carpet, are there any divas in the audience, did the awards get a better budget this year? Any extras can be PQed or emailed to niccea(at)gmail(dot)com as long as it is related to the awards, rated PG, and is respectful to other comics."
Have a comic milestone, a community project or some comic-related news that you'd like to see in a newspost? Send it to me via PQ or at hippievannews(at)!
FRIDAY NEWSPOST - DD Awards Finalists Announced!
HippieVan at 12:00AM, Aug. 15, 2014
©2011 WOWIO, Inc. All Rights Reserved Mastodon
BonesOfRuin at 9:56PM, Aug. 17, 2014
Congrats everybody!
Locoma at 2:25PM, Aug. 17, 2014
congrats to all of you!
Niccea at 9:47AM, Aug. 15, 2014
There are tie breakers but they have a very short duration
plymayer at 5:39AM, Aug. 15, 2014
I voted. Just for some reason thought there was another round of voting in there somewhere. I'm all confused this year.... :)
Niccea at 3:59AM, Aug. 15, 2014
Voting ended. Only judging now. And I could use one or two volunteers
VinoMas at 2:23AM, Aug. 15, 2014
What does everyone want Princess January to wear to the ceremonies?!?!!?
plymayer at 12:49AM, Aug. 15, 2014
When is the vote?