Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!
Comics are the perfect medium for telling love stories because we have access to every part of a character’s life: their innermost thoughts, their conversations, their sly glances at a love interest…
After Oz and Banes did their great 2-part quackcast discussing love in storytelling and comics, I figured I’d put together a romantic newspost today highlighting some of the ongoing love stories around DD!
Helene and Nicki from The Light Eater
These two upper class revolutionaries still seem to find time to steal a kiss or two between writing and printing dissenting pamphlets in 18th century France.
Maria and Vanadi from August Landing
Maria says that Vanadi is “just a friend,” but somehow I don’t quite believe her. Might the handsome new human in town get in the way of her quest to find him, though?
Alicka and Chester from Denizens! Attention!
Ah, young love! Well, maybe not quite yet. But Chester sure is cute, and there have definitely been some flirtatious glances.
The Pirate Balthasar and The Pirate’s Wife
I couldn’t choose just one love story from this one! dedasaur’s comics are full of sweet, loving couples.
Oscar and Harley (etc.) from Typical Strange
This one actually contains far more manipulation than affection, I’m afraid. But all the love triangles going on right now in this comic might be the perfect antidote for anyone tired of all the mushy Valentine’s stuff.
Of course, there are tons more that I could have included. Who are your favourite DD couples?
Bravo1102’s Interstellar Blood Beasts hit 100 pages this week! Looks like it’s just starting a new issue, too, so this is the perfect time to check out this comic!
From Bravo: “Photography on the climatic battle has started and the story should wrap up in a couple of months.”
Have a comic milestone, a community project or some comic-related news you’d like to see in a newspost? Send it to me via PQ or at hippievannews(at)gmail.com!
HippieVan at 12:00AM, Feb. 14, 2014
©2011 WOWIO, Inc. All Rights Reserved Mastodon
Ozoneocean at 9:37AM, Feb. 17, 2014
The world is made of love...
dedasaur at 6:07AM, Feb. 16, 2014
Happy Valentine's Day! Thanks for the love :D
Banes at 7:58AM, Feb. 14, 2014
Great stuff Hippy! Happy Valentine's Day, Ducks!
KimLuster at 6:36AM, Feb. 14, 2014
Awwwww :) Good choices!
AzuJOD at 3:34AM, Feb. 14, 2014
Best DD couple is either Jeremy and Jan from Split Screen or Acrobat and Coil from Acrobat.
Ozoneocean at 2:06AM, Feb. 14, 2014
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:07AM, Feb. 14, 2014
Love is in the air~~This is so cute! ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ