In the depths of eternal darkness, a young man makes a sacrifice in exchange for his father but there is an even darker force in charge of his fate. His wish might have been granted, but it was accompanied by much dire consequences.
The story is set in a small, middle of nowhere town called Pinewood. A tired loner named Amanda is about to meet the effervescent Trixie, a new girl in town who needs help catching up with classwork. The two are an unlikely pair of individuals to start a friendship, but living in Pinewood is also an unlikely circumstance.
The art is drawn digitally in pure black and white. The art style hearkens back to traditional comic character designs of the 1940s with emotive facial expressions.
What is a Magpie? Will Amanda and Trixie ever find their way out of a small town? Find out and read The Magpie by BonesMcKay, rated T!
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, May 11, 2016
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