Recently, one of Drunk Duck's O.G. webcomic creators, hpkomic, posted on the forums about a new wiki that is starting which allows webcomic creators (such as yourself) to draft a wiki page about your original comic. The only real requirement is that your comic can be considered a “sandbox webcomic”. Drunk Duck comics have already began posting wiki pages such as Used Books, Comic Dash, and The Errant Apprentice.
Here is the original post from hpkomic:
Hello, I am administering a wiki called NOSCOW, or The Network of Open Source Creative Original Works. It was sparked by a twitter conversation between myself and other webcomic creators about the fact that many of us have settings and stories that we let other creators explore or play around with. We saw it as being similar to owning a sandbox and letting other kids play in it, hence the term "Sandbox Webcomic". For example, I have my comic Cosmic Dash, but I now have a canon series of stories written by a fan in my setting, and now I also pay people to create content using my universe.
So NOSCOW is a wiki that lists webcomics that are open to collabs, paid work, fan art and the like, and provides contact information so that creators can get in touch with each other. Additionally we intend to compile a database of Open Source characters and Public Domain/Orphaned Works that creators can use and experiment with. If your comic has a setting you'd be happy letting people explore and create in, on your terms, please consider adding your comic to the list.
Thank you for your time. I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have.
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Do you have a "Sandbox Webcomic"?
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Oct. 10, 2016
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KAM at 7:29AM, Oct. 10, 2016
Orphaned Works are not the same as Public Domain. They are works under copyright where the owner(s) have disappeared or died, apparently, without heirs. If the owners (or heirs) come forward you can be sued for using their property without permission.