Niccea has an announcement regarding the 2017 Drunk Duck Awards:
It has been a while since I announced something for the Awards. Here is the agenda. I will try to have the comic up and running next week.
Planning ~ Now - July
For Your Consideration (FYC) Pages Accepted ~ Now - July 8th
Submissions ~ June 4th - June 10th
Voting ~ June 11th - June 14th
Drunk Duck Awards Voting Opens ~ July 2nd - 29th
Tie Breakers (as needed) ~ July 30th - August 5th
Finalists Announced/Volunteers Assigned ~ August 6th - August 12th
Judging ~ August 13th - September 23rd
Emergency Wrap Up ~ September 24th - October 7th
The Ceremony Begins ~ October 9th
I don't think the For Your Consideration pages will have a set theme this year. So just send in a page for your comic/characters stating what award(s) you would like to be nominated for.
**Please note that the agenda is subject to change as I'm a expecting a little Niccea in July.
What's Quacking?
Do you have any original art to contribute to our stock image database, announcements, community projects, ideas, news, or milestones to report? Please leave general comments below or send a PQ to kawaiidaigakusei. Email me at kawaiidaigakusei(at)gmail(dot)com.

Official 2017 Drunk Duck Awards Agenda
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, May 15, 2017

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VinoMas at 5:20PM, May 15, 2017
Exciting and congrats on the little!
Tantz_Aerine at 12:08PM, May 15, 2017
Congrats on the little Niccea!!! <3
KimLuster at 10:27AM, May 15, 2017
I think I'll make it! I usually post every 5 days, but might need to jump to every 4 in July lol!!
Ozoneocean at 7:59AM, May 15, 2017
I hope you finish in time Kim!
Banes at 7:49AM, May 15, 2017
Damn, this snuck up on me this year, I'll tell you what. A little Niccea? Congratulations!!!!
Niccea at 5:28AM, May 15, 2017
It will have to be complete no later than August 5th (last day of voting) to be eligible this year.
KimLuster at 4:51AM, May 15, 2017
When must a comic be complete to be eligible for 'Best Completed'? I anticipate the Godstrain to be complete by mid-July (maybe soon, maybe a bitter later, but certainly before Judging starts in August!!